Health confirms 677 measles cases from Venezuela



Red Uno Bolivia .- The Ministry of Health of Brazil confirmed Wednesday that the country has 677 confirmed cases of measles both by Venezuela .

An outbreak of measles affects natives of the Yanomami tribe on the border between Brazil and ] Venezuela where already there are 67 registered cases of the disease, informed Saturday the Brazilian health authorities.

Members of the Yanomami community, Venezuela

Of the total number of infected people, 60 are Venezuelan, according to Brazilian AFP, Manoel Pereira, technical director of the district immunization program health. Native Yanomami Special. He added that the only death confirmed by measles is that of a nine-month-old baby, while the authorities are investigating another ten possible deaths.

Up to July 17, 444 cases have been confirmed. Measles in the Amazon and 216 in Roraima and "all are related to the import", according to the portfolio of Health . "This has been proven by the genotype of the virus (D8) that has been identified, which is the same one that circulates in Venezuela ," says the ministry in a report published on its website. Measles cases began to appear, three deaths were recorded: two in Roraima and one in the Amazon, according to the ministry, which said that until now 2,689 cases remain under investigation.

This portfolio also indicated that there are a few isolated cases identified in the states of Sao Paulo (1), Rio Grande do Sul (8), Rondonia (1) and Rio de Janeiro (7), but all related to the virus that came from Venezuela.

Brazil is advancing preventative measures and blocking the disease throughout the country through vaccination to interrupt the transmission of outbreaks and prevent the establishment of sustained transmission, according to the ministry.

be considerate In case of sustained transmission, the same focus should occur for more than 12 months, "said the Institution.

Source: El Nacional

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