Health has 75 suspected cases of AH1N1 in surveillance


San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Two deaths due to the AH1N1 flu recorded the Mario Rivas Hospital until now this year; However, one of the patients was Olanchito Yoro, so there was only a decrease in the city.

It was that of a 56-year-old woman from the Fesitranh colony, who died on May 10 and was suffering from diabetes, reports the medical staff of the health center

L & # 39; last year, in this sanatorium, zero cases and zero deaths were reported for AH1N1, but there was an income for the variable AH3N2 which left two dead and 60 cases in Nationwide

In 2018, the Ministry of Health caused 22 deaths due to this virus, most of the capital of the country


Homer Mejía, National Influenza Surveillance Coordinator, explained that 365 cases are being monitored all over the country and that 111 of them are from the Cortés Department.

"There were 75 cases by AH1N1 and 3 6 for influenza type B, the majority are from San Pedro Sula ," added doctor.

He said that they are stepping up actions all over the country because the seasonal season of the virus, because the humidity and cold allow him to stay longer in the environment.

He stated that the vaccination campaign against the disease will continue in the 31 health centers until the exhaustion of vaccine stocks

Until now, the goal has not been reached in two risk groups: pregnant women and adults over 60 years old.

Daysi Suazo, epidemiologist of the Metropolitan Health Region, advised not to give fluids or items of a person with the flu to a healthy one, since the virus is spread with only a drop of saliva.

Also, avoid kissing children, do not kiss people with flu and hands should wash constantly with soap and water or with an alcohol gel. Any warning sign suggests that the population immediately consults a specialist.

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