HEALTH – How to prevent AH1N1 and respiratory diseases?


So far this year, two cases have been confirmed in the department and one has shown mortality. Consider these steps to prevent the virus.

The disease that had a strong influence in the country and in the world in 2009 and was controlled, seems to be manifesting itself again on the territory. In Risaralda, two cases have been reported for the AH1N1 flu, from the Valle del Cauca department.

According to data provided by the Departmental Secretariat of Health, the diagnosis of the 59-year-old man who died in Cartago, Valle, was notified on 18 June and the positive result was delivered on 5 July. "The patient had been referred to the Ucimed Hospital of Santa Monica de Dosquebradas.Another case was reported on January 5 and it was about an 81-year-old patient from Pereira, but she was Is stabilized, "said Olga Lucía Hoyos Gómez, Risaralda Health Secretary.

The official added that 24 laboratory samples were obtained from 42 cases reported for respiratory infections with excision at 30 June, of which 75% are minors between three months and nine years of age. "There are 12 positive cases for other viruses such as respiratory syncytial, adenovirus, coronavirus, influenza, and l & # 39; Enteroviruses, "he noted.

From the health laboratory, samples were sent to the INS, from where it could become the third case of mortality due to this disease, because he is highly suspicious of the H1N1 virus from the Union, Valle; this corresponds to a woman under the age of 50 years old who was taken to the Cartago Hospital and later went to Los Rosales Clinic in Pereira.

What is AH1N1

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is a pandemic virus transmitted from person to person just like the seasonal flu viruses and with the same ease.

"While it starts with the symptoms of a cold, with sore throat, fever, phlegm, cough, muscle aches, if more than five days pbad and that symptoms do not occur. do not improve or tend to worsen, the best is to get to the emergency room because most patients need hospital management to control and even in intensive care units ", explained Diana Carolina Lopez Achuri, physician epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health of Risaralda



In case of presentation

– Breathing faster than normal, [19659009] -Propos difficult to control for more than two days

-If the chest sounds or hurts to breathe

– Headache

– Presents drowsiness, seizures or convulsions, decay or deterioration of the general state of health quickly if necessary consult the health services.

-If the patient is a young child, parents should bring it to the doctor if they experience rapid or difficult breathing, prolonged fever or seizures.

Care After Diagnosis

In most cases, after being diagnosed, patients should also follow medical recommendations regarding the use of medications, they must be at home at rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Contamination can occur as a result of exposure to droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing, which are inhaled or contaminated hands or surfaces.

Recommendations to avoid contagion

Contagion may occur as a result of exposure to droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing, which are inhaled or contaminated by hands or various surfaces.

– Covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing prevents the virus from spreading

– Wash your hands regularly and keep a certain distance with healthy people will help the virus spread.

– Being at home when symptoms occur will prevent the virus from spreading and help you heal faster.

-Do not rub your eyes, conjunctivitis may appear with the virus.Lubricate the eyes with artificial tears in case of itching and foreign body sensation.

-Vacunarse against influenza when it is healthy, in the case of Risaralda vaccines are available for infants under 23 months, pregnant women and people over 60 years old.

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