Health system crisis: The measures that Medimás will have to comply with if it wants to continue working | Health


Caracol Radio knew the orders with which the National Government at the head of the Superintendencia of Health made extreme measures of surveillance and control to EPS Medimás to ensure stability in the operation of said entity and the rights of users.

According to the document, EPS shall be implemented for a maximum period of six (6) months Duly Formalized Service Delivery Network and adopt within the same period a policy and payment and advance procedures so that, in its application, it is demonstrated that they are made under the guarantee, the quality and the opportunity in the provision of services health; and the legalization of advances is in terms and corresponds to the services actually provided.

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Similarly, the conditions of can not be given. ] the hiring or the preferential payment for any supplier of services or technologies having a link with the EPS in this sense, it must conform to the legalization of the advances greater than 30 days

Medimás must proceed with the capitalization in the next six (6) months, in accordance with the financial projections approved in the plan of reorganization in aliquots and the conciliation of the corresponding responsibility.

In addition, he must guarantee the fundamental right to the health of users in their free choice modality, abst in to impose access barriers when they freely decide to change the insurance entity.

The entity shall make an inventory with the amount and amount of legal proceedings and protections filed against EPS within the six (6) month maximum expired which shall develop and report to the Superintendency in the first three (3) working days of the month following a report consolidating the result of the management.

Read also: It will be the follow-up of Medimás which prolonged an intervention

Finally, the EPS must conform to the procedure of recovers to the Administrator of Resources of the General System of Social Security in the field of health -ADRES, within a maximum period of six (6) months and publishes a report with the results of reverting to the superintendency

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