House of Cards: They release a clip for "Independence Day" on Facebook | Netflix | Claire Underwood | trends


& # 39; House of Cards & # 39; is preparing to broadcast its latest season through Netflix, that is why, through Facebook, its protagonist, Claire Underwood is the picture to give a special message on the occasion of Independence Day of the United States .

The character who is played by the actress Robin Wright now has the role of the president of the American nation. She is shown in the chair of Abraham Lincoln's statue where he will apparently send a message to the Nation.

YOU CAN SEE The first images of the sixth season of the House of Cards are revealed [FOTOS]

Claire Underwood begins the clip saying "Happy Independence Day … to me". While his face shows a slight contempt. She, who is now the new president, celebrates the departure of Frank Underwood with the hashtag #miturno

It must be remembered that this sixth season will be the last to broadcast the series, after the departure of the actor Kevin Spacey who played Frank Underwood in the previous five installments. He was fired because of the wave of badual harbadment charges that has arisen in recent months.

If you do not remember clearly the closing of last season, it should be noted that this ended with the resignation of Frank Underwood for the manipulation of Claire to take control of the White House, which also denies his presidential pardon for his crimes.

For the moment, the first date of the final season has not yet been revealed.

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