Household consumption resumes and is at 4% | National


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In May, the volume of household purchases is According to the latest Consumer Thermometer by Kantar Worldpanel, this represents an increase of 5 percentage points over the month of January when it recorded a 1% drop

The volume of Colombian household purchases, begins to show positive figures which are the sign of the year. A reactivation Due to the new dynamics of buyers, between January and May, visits to sales outlets decreased five times compared to the same period of the previous year, households being fewer because they are supplied at each visit and look for channels "However, warns the consultant, households consume less, but spend 10% more on their basic basket, because lower prices and lower prices put buyers under pressure to properly manage expenses

Food and household,

What increased the most

The family basket products that increased the most, according to Kantar , were personal hygiene (4%), food (3%) and domestic hygiene (7%).

Otherwise it happened for drinks and personal care products, which decreased by 8% and 4%, respectively.

Meanwhile, average household spending increased by 1.5% and the value of the bill (disbursement in each purchase) increased by 7.7%.

Households, says the report, are willing to try new formats to buy their budgets; as a result, its market share has changed and emerging chains (discount stores, drugstores and hyperbodégas) are gaining ground in traditional and modern formats (large chains, independent or regional chains).

It makes sense for brands to understand emerging channels and to have a clear strategy for supply, where buyers are, "says Simon

Changing Behavior

According to Kantar Worldpanel In Colombia, eight out of ten households buy rebate chains. This shows that there is a proliferation of new formats and channels. However, unlike many markets in Europe, where own brands can account for 30% of mbad consumer goods sales, in Latin America this figure is barely 1%.

This, he says, because of the economic situation in Latin America that has made buyers more willing to try new sales formats, seeking to make their budgets.

In the country, modern channels account for 39% of sales of consumer goods. According to the consultant's badysis, the most growing modern channels are "limited scope" retailers, which include discount stores and hyperbodégas that offer more affordable prices.

"It's a market that has become more fragmented, convenient, and convenient for consumers, so the bottom line is buyers are the winners, but brands that know how to take advantage of trends will also be successful." , said Miguel de la Torre, director of new business at Kantar Worldpanel.

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