How do you know if you should change your medications with valsartan?


After Invima ordered the removal of several lots of drugs containing the compound valsartan, since it represents a risk for the health of the people the same entity made a call to people who use them to review their medications and change them if necessary.

This vigilance and control authority indicated that Colombians should change dispensaries if they find that their drugs contain valsartan because this compound has carcinogenic components.

Recently, Invima confirmed that there are 13 health records that are manufactured with this raw material reason by which its immediate withdrawal from the market was ordered .

"The suggestion for patients is that n or stop the drug, but go to their clinic and do the laboratory check that they produce the drug that they consume ", Affirmed Javier Guzmán, director of Invima

The laboratories on which this measure falls are American Generics SAS, Genfar SA, Humax Pharmaceutical SA, Laboratory Franco Colombiano Lafrancol SAS, Laboratorios MK SAS, Lafrancol Internacional SAS, Procaps SA, Sanofi-Aventis of Colombia SA, Tecnoquímicas SA, Winthrop Pharmaceuticals of Colombia SA, which determined the withdrawal of this drug, while the verification of the supplier of materials first of the other products available in the country

"If you find that the laboratory that manufactured your medicine is on the warning list that you have the prohibited substance, it is important While they're changing it to another product that has no problem in which there are 19 labs that have no difficulties " pointed out the director of & # 39; # 39; Invima.

What do the experts recommend?

Although he supported the Invima measure, the president of the Colombian Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Adalberto Quintero, warned that this is not for all drugs, but only for those who use Valsartan produced by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals.

This doctor explained that valsartan is a compound used in people with hypertension and pointed out that is "very effective because it is on the market for over 20 years and has been widely tested for these diseases, which is very safe and effective. "

"The recommendation for patients is that they consult with their treating physician and he can advise them if they need to change it for another, but he does not have to." It is never recommended that on their own initiative the drug be suspended because there may be other types of problems, such as elevation of pressure or decompensation of the patient. heart failure " he said.

The Invima indicates that there are about 50,000 Colombians, out of the 120,000 who consume this product, those who will have to change the drug valsartan, since it comes from from the supplier Zhejiang Huahai.

"Not all people taking Valsartan or all medicines that have Valsartan." We found that 13 of the 35 laboratories that have a health record contain the NDMA, The remaining 19 are fine " said the entity's director, Javier Guzmán.

Similarly Invima stated that people who use drugs containing valsartan as an active ingredient, NO should discontinue the drug without first consulting their attending physician.

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