How is Meghan Markle ?: The most explosive statements of Meghan Markle's father | Entertainment


At first, after knowing Prince Henry's relationship with his future wife, Meghan's father, Markle, was portrayed as a very discreet man with no interest in following the example of his other children. , who they were slow to grant juicy exclusives about the non – existent relationship that they had with the actress. However, this public image soon changed drastically.

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Only six days after the current link revealed that the former director of lighting had been in agreement with the paparazzi ] images of his daily life in Mexico that had come to the UK and in which he was seen watching pictures of his daughter in the press or d & # 39; 39, try a suit for the wedding. Given the controversy that spawned this revelation, Thomas Markle was not present in the big day of the couple after claiming that the recent cardiac operation that he had undergone. prevented from making great displacements

. Since then, Thomas has become a constant puzzle for Meghan and, to a lesser extent, for the still traditional British monarchy. In his first TV interview with a British program, "Good Morning Britain" he commits the unforgivable mistake of speaking of the opinion that the controversial President of the United States Donald Trump deserves to his son-in-law, Prince Henry, who, as a that member of the royal house, must remain neutral on policy issues.

Now, the Duchess's father has returned to the fray with a series of explosive statements. those who complain of not having been invited to meet Queen Elizabeth II in person – " If you meet Trump, why not with me too ?" He asks – and says he's not talking with Meghan for months.

"The phone number that I used to call her is no longer active and I do not have her contact information, I could send her something to the palace, but there is no has no guarantee that this would happen to him, sent a message to my contact in the country Lacio said that I would like to talk to him, but I have no answer, "he confesses in the aforementioned interview, in which he badures that his last telephone conversation with Enrique and Meghan took place shortly after his pbadage on the altar .]

Despite his disappointment with the "abandonment" to which he would be submitted, Thomas said he was ready to go to England to renew with Meghan because he feared to be subjected to "extreme pressure" and to drown in his new obligations. " I think that my girl is terrified right now. I see it in his eyes and in his face; it shows even in the way he smiles. I've been contemplating that smile for years and I know it; I do not like what I see now . This is not even the typical forced smile, it's a painful smile. And I'm worried because I think it's too much pressure. There is a very high price to pay to be part of the royal family, "says Thomas, who has not hesitated to criticize the strict rules of the protocol to be followed by his daughter especially with regard to costumes. and this is more typical of the 30s than a modern woman.

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