How to Buy Online: Monday: Favorite Day for Digital Shopping in Colombia | Technology


The Colombian Platform of Electronic Payments PlacetoPay, reported on digital sales in Colombia in the first half of 2018, ] establishing the days, categories and methods of payment that recorded the greatest number of purchases by virtual channels.

According to the badysis, the Monday are the favorite day by Colombians to make online purchases, especially insurance products, the # 39; travel agency and public administration that most users pay PSE (Secure online payments.)

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For Ricardo García, manager of PlacetoPay according to the study conducted on the basis of the transactional transaction of the first half and found that the day of the week which had the highest frequency of transactions was Monday.

"We expect an increase in revenues for this 2018 by 50%, and we expect to complete the volume of transactions in 40% in number of transactions to complete the year in about 13.5 million transactions, whenever there is more transactional volume of what we call micropayments and is that every time the e-commerce permeates goods and services that are of lesser value, "said Ricardo García.

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Other days of the week have the following indicators: Thursday 15.88%; Wednesday 15.52% ; Saturday 8.65% and finally Sunday with 6.59%. The report reveals that during the weekend there is no concentration in the traffic of electronic transactions.

"We deliver with very high average tickets, our average ticket has been reduced and is close to 450 thousand pesos, we note that for this first half, the day of the week when most transactions are made is Monday, and also what we see, especially when Monday is a holiday, it pbaded Tuesday, "said Ricardo García.

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The digital payment platform predicts that by the end of 2018, the market will develop at the upper levels of 40%, which equates to 13 million transactions, ie 5.5 billion dollars pesos

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