Hoy Digital – Preventative Health: Foie Gras: The Silent Enemy


Dr. Lenisse Candelario
Family Physician, Family Medicine Management of the General Hospital of Salud Square
Obesity has become a global epidemic and with it has reached a gigantic wave acute and chronic complications that happen.
Since 1975, obesity has almost tripled worldwide. In 2016, more than 1,900 million adults aged 18 and over were overweight, of which over 650 million were obese, accounting for 39% of overweight adults 18 years or older, and 13% for adults. # 39; obesity.
The majority of the world's population lives in countries where overweight and obesity take more lives than underweight.
Obesity has entered the homes, affecting even children, as early as 2016 they reported 41 million overweight or obese children under five, and the situation is spread and maintained, since obese children will not result in lean adults, but rather that this condition persists. In 2016, more than 340 million children and adolescents (ages 5 to 19) were overweight or obese.
The index of obesity has tripled since 1975. Childhood obesity covers a high percentage of the total number of children. obese, bringing with it, hypertension in adolescents, childhood diabetes and cholesterol disorders.
The point to be evaluated is not only obesity itself, but the other components of the work in macro and which result in a decrease in the quality of life and death.
One of the elements that took center stage in the global panorama is fatty liver, a condition that has long been taken lightly and that was thought to be unnecessary. Major interventions, however, advances in technology, knowledge and research, they give the medical sciences a dynamic interaction, and with it we grow and change. Well, they tell us that the study of medicine never ends and that what is taken for granted today can be a lie tomorrow.
There are two main scenarios for fatty liver: alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic liver disease. This time, we will discuss non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition found in approximately 58% of overweight individuals and in 90% of patients with morbid obesity.
When badessing a patient from the metabolic point of view, we take as reference his weight, his height and the relationship between these two elements, leads to the body mbad index. Also important are the abdominal perimeter whose normal reference is 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men. These parameters are important because with them we can define in which range the patient is in the spectrum of low, norm, overweight or obesity, in addition to calculating cardiovascular risk taking into account the 39, increase in size. a close relationship, with the possibility that the patient presents fats in the liver, therefore, a person who phenotypically (in appearance
) suggests to have a metabolic syndrome, is a candidate to study relative to the fatty liver. 19659003]

1. The first line of pharmacological treatment
Includes the use of vitamin E at the rate of 800 IU / day; However, it should be noted that there has been no regression of liver damage with its use and that there is an open chapter regarding cardiovascular safety and its probable relationship with cancer. prostate. No diabetic patient was included in the studies.
2. The first line of approach
This patient is responsible for changes in the lifestyle, which must be badumed with the same rigor as a capsule, reducing the consumption of fat, sugar, salt and carbohydrate (flours), added to physical activity, a proven strategy, without risks or low cost side effects and that also supports other treatments and prevents diseases and complications.
3. The close relationship of fatty liver with diabetes
is mainly due to the patient's insulin resistance and continues to progress under our eyes with this fasting glycemic in 103, 110, 115, which in time and before Inertia, ends up acquiring names and names: Diabetes mellitus type 2, fatty liver is the physical manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and warns us under its signal of the patient's internal deterioration.
Insulin is produced by the pancreas and acts as a key that opens the doors of the cell wall allowing the pbadage of glucose within it, however, the quality of this insulin may decrease so much so that it does not fulfill its role, accumulating in the bloodstream, altering the cellular environment and evolving from the alteration of insulin or prediabetes to type diabetes mellitus [19659006] 4. Maintain a balanced diet and exercise
You must include physical activity in your daily routine. These measures have a positive impact on the health of each individual.

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