"Impossible", reduce cancer by 25% by 2025: experts


The project to reduce mortality by malignant neoplasms by 25% in 2025, according to the C / CAN program launched by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC), in coordination with the World Health Organization. Health, will be impossible to comply, at least, in Cali, Colombia, one of the four cities chosen to have the oldest malignant tumor registry in Latin America.

Rolando Camacho, International Expert in Cancer Control and UICC Adviser -who last year he organized the cancer summit in Mexico – he recalled that in 2017, as part of the pre-UN Sustainable Development Goals, four pilot cities were selected for the first time to control this malignant disease: Asunción Paraguay Kusima, Ghana; Rangoon, Myanmar and Cali

He explained that Project C / Can 2025: The Cities Challenge Against Cancer stemmed from evidence that cancer has become the second leading cause of death and it is predicted that here 2035, the incidence and mortality will increase by 91% and 106% respectively, that is to say that in 12 countries of Latin America, there will be more than 2 million new patients and more than 1 million 100,000 deaths

Mexico participated last year in the pilot program C / Can 2025, but at the apex of the world summit, to which badisted by heads of state and princesses, Ghana was elected.

Camacho said that indefatigable goal; we lack solid foundation to reduce cases or deaths by 25% and one of the reasons is that what can have an impact is effective prevention, but it takes time. "

The initiative, which brings together 20 biopharmaceuticals, civil society organizations and governments, seeks to establish a model of oncology care that allows for better diagnosis, increases detection and care of health professionals, reduces gaps in access to medical care and innovative treatments, as well as the creation of effective public policies in low- and middle-income entities.

"There are few resources available for poor people to truly access to quality care and treatment; However, the United Nations and our governments have decided to accept this great challenge, they are setting themselves very high, so I think the discussions should focus on what can be done not only in cancer, but also in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Cali, said, provides services to about 9 million people and has the first population-based cancer registry in Latin America, and yet, he pointed out, as a candidate city for the implementation of the C / Can 2025 not reach the goal that emanates from politicians.

Maria Cristina Lesmes, Departmental Health Secretary of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, said the outlook is discouraging because in the next 20 years, 100 people will suffer from cancer because the expectations of life are greater and Of course, we bet on lowering mortality, not presence, with an early diagnosis that would make a difference for it to be curable.

Lesmes He said that there is currently a vaccine to prevent cancer of the cervix and in Colombia, it is distributed free to girls, "but now we are fighting against the anti vaccination. "

"We are working on a pay-per-result system, which means that the health system is investing in effective pharmacological treatments and rejecting drugs that have no impact on the improvement. ", He concludes in the educational forum organized by the Gabriel Foundation. García Márquez and Roche Press Day.

Inca will commemorate the survivors

The National Cancer Institute (Incan) will commemorate the 20th and 21st of July the day of the Cancer Survivor, with the meeting Ponte La Capa and celebrates the life directed to patients, family members and civil organizations.

In Mexico, it is estimated that there are about one million survivors of this disease, that is to say that they have been unaffected for five years, says Abelardo Meneses, general manager from the Inca. Cancer is the third leading cause of death in Mexico, with more than 220,000 new cases and more than 95,000 172 deaths a year.

On Friday, July 20th and Saturday, July 21st at the Marriott Reforma hotel, survivors, patients, family members, health professionals and civil society organizations will be part of the celebration that will take place. Institute organizes for the fifth time. ] "The general overview of cancer survival, the importance of comprehensive care and innovation will be addressed, and there will be sessions and workshops on life in couples and baduality, reintegration at work, sequelae of oncological treatment and self-care, among others ", explained Meneses

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