In bed without killing passion – NSS Oaxaca


July 22, 2018
The Right Side of Sexuality

Let's Talk About the Pros and Cons of Sharing the Bed with the Couple

Whether your partner likes to sleep with the TV on or off bathroom light may be the beginning of the obstacles in the relationship. Because there are several disadvantages to sharing the cradle and the covers: snoring, the many rounds to finish doing a diagonal in bed, kicking (as if we were playing football all night), the stealing the blanket or just talking You fall asleep and you hit each other.

For those who sleep together can be very frustrating. Everything can interfere in sleep and in relationships. Even a good bed rest can become an exhausting experience. However, according to a survey by Andrea Petersen for the Wall Street Journal, sleeping in the same bed offers a series of health benefits: the relationship is strengthened, stays healthy and the couple lives longer than single people

. According to Wendy M. Troxel, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh, "When we sleep together, we experience a series of feelings of safety because the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, are lowered." Research also shows that women with stable relationships are much faster at reconciling sleep and waking up less often than single women or with problematic relationships.

And what about an investigation? in the UK who revealed that 57% Hundreds of couples who sleep naked said that they were "extremely happy" in their relationship?

Here are some tips we should apply when going to bed. thing is a good powder before you go to sleep. "A study from CQ University Adelaide, Australia, noted that having bad before going to bed improves sleep. The badual activity that leads to the climax releases endorphins and dopamine, and both help reduce stress and calm the body, "the experts said.

Cell phones and computers must also be left outside the room. "Couples who have successful relationships do not put their smartphones to bed," says Chris Brantner, a sleep-science trainer based in Houston. The phones in the bed are not a good idea. It means less sleep for both and a bitter awakening.

Also, make sure your mattress is big enough and hard enough to give the couple space and sleep peacefully. It's nice to ride under a warm blanket, but as you fall asleep, it can become a pull and looseness of the blankets. If everyone has his blanket, they are less likely to wake up one to the other.

It is also important to go to bed at the same time so that both can fall asleep without waking the other. Pleasant experience if these frustrating obstacles are eliminated and relationships are strengthened when starting a good bedding.

El Tiempo / Esther Balac

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