In June, domestic coffee production rose 3.6%, according to Fedecafé


Cereal exports decreased by 4.3% in the sixth month of the year

Laura Lucía Becerra Elejalde – [email protected]

The National Federation of Coffee Producers Colombia reported in its latest bulletin that June's coffee exports exceeded the figure of 906,000 60-kg bags, a decrease of 4.3 per cent from the almost 947,000 bags exported in July 2017. Similarly, , the entity said that for this month the domestic production The report also indicates that in the past year (between July 2017 and June 2018), coffee production exceeded 14.3 million tons. of bags, 2% more than that recorded during the same previous period, which was 14.1 million bags.

On the other hand, until now this coffee year, which is measured from October, the Federation He reported that they produced about 10.5 million bags 2.6% less than the 10.7 million bags recorded in the same previous reporting period.

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