In Táchira, children infected with HIV end 7 months without treatment


The governor of Táchira state, Laidy Gómez, announced Wednesday that an endowment of antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV-positive adults has arrived at the entity. However, the 22 pediatric patients with the disease have not been treated for about seven months, which puts their lives at risk.

In Táchira, there are 5,248 HIV-infected patients, of whom 2,250 have active symptoms. illness and receive treatment. It is worth noting that these drugs are expensive and are prescribed for life, so that their acquisition exceeds the financial means of most people affected.

"We must emphasize that we have not received a light bulb since February. ", Said Luis Vivas, director of the Regional Health Society, who added that the pathologies of these patients have declined because of the lack of medical supplies. " Only 2% of the economically active population of the country. Táchira's condition would be able to cover the costs of this treatment in a particular way, "he said.

According to the doctor, from the moment the patient interrupts the continuity of treatment begins to decrease its quality of life and evolves gradually. "For patients who were critically ill, probably suffer from complications arising from their illness and as a result of this can even lead to death … is directly related to the absence treatment with the complications of the disease, "he said without specifying the numbers on the number of deaths related to the absence of antiretrovirals that affected the entity for several months.

GB mez pointed out that the health sector is one of the biggest state conflicts, "not only because of lack of medical supplies, hospital shortages, inadequacies in services, the lack of certification of wages and salaries that has generated a series of mbadive national protests and of which Táchira was a part, but also because of the lack of medicines for patients with chronic diseases, of which life is in danger, they do not receive timely help. "

He added that the contributions received were providing drugs for two months to 85% of the active patient population, and insisted that the Venezuelan government urgently need to treat the 22 children who have been diagnosed and are part of the antiretroviral drug program

Blood bank: with reagents and without personnel

Still on health, Gomez has announced that the reagents necessary for the badysis of blood bank samples arrived in the state of Táchira; However, the institution does not currently have qualified personnel to do the tests, "the hemotherapists have resigned to leave the country", said the governor.

He points out that the number of items received is sufficient to provide the entire regional outpatient network, where the shortage of staff renders the care of his Essential to the most disadvantaged.

He explains that after several weeks of protests in demand for salary enhancement, a good part of the health personnel of the entity left his post, given the lack of response from the Venezuelan government, and several reasons – according to the president – that led to this situation, mainly low wages that do not even allow these professionals to travel on public transport ] from their home to the workplace and "even less so to provide their children with quality nutrition or education".

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