Incentives for more trips by bike and on foot


Going to work by bike, vehicle sharing applications, economic incentives for people to get to their businesses, among others, are some initiatives to improve mobility in the city and contribute to the improvement of the quality of the environment

C is the strategy presented by the metropolitan area called Sustainable Business Mobility Plan, which establishes, among other objectives, the identification of environmental consequences generated by people who surrender at their place of work. In addition, formulate mobility strategies that reduce the impact on air quality, based on the reduction of fuel consumption, the number of trips made by employees, the use of More Effective Mobility Solutions and Reduced Emissions

This is in the midst of the controversy that arose last week when Ideam's latest report was delivered, where it was reported that Medellin has the worst figures in terms of environmental contamination.

We are also working with the Medellín Early Warning System and the Valle de Aburrá (since 1945). "Since the contingency, we have not had a single station in orange or red. Siata) to detect the city's pollution sources and reduce environmental impacts.

Prieto added that "we are developing a comprehensive model or expansion of the Encicla program to connect 220,000 students from public and private universities in the city.

Viviana Tobón Jaramillo ] Deputy Director of Mobility of the Metropolitan Area, indicates that this project has already reached the doors of 307 companies of which 111 are already related, up to 144 thousand employees have received training and it is expected that there there is an opportunity to positively intervene these 144,000 trips that each of these people represents in the Valley of Aburrá. [19659003] Among the companies that are already part of this program, Bancolombia, which does activities for the carpool shares the vehicle to encourage and rationalize its use; Servientrega, with the construction of cicloparqueaderos for its employees; Metelsa, with economic incentives for those who who walk and use the bike as a means of transportation and the shared bicycle programs of the Argos and Suramericana companies.

Employees of each company are expected to reduce their emissions by 10% in the year and by 20% in the second year, thanks to the implementation of strategies that facilitate the change of habits. enable sustainable mobility.

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