Industry and Trade Progress in May 2018 in Colombia – Business – Economy


Expansions and openings of institutions have improved sectoral indicators.


Household spending improves this year and benefits companies

Economics and Business

12 July 2018, 22:07

Actual industrial production in May 2018 showed an increase of 2.9 percent and the sector's sales variation was 4 percent, according to the Dane revealed Thursday.

The actual production behavior of the manufacturing industry in May is explained by the growth of 30 of the 39 industrial activities. Production of fabricated metal products (14.8%), processing and preservation of meat, fish, crustaceans and molluscs (10.0%) and beverage production (2.7%) are distinguished. [19659015] In the meantime, the annual change in actual retail sales in May (5.9%) is mainly explained by the growth of computer and telecom equipment lines for personal and domestic use (25.6%). %), food (groceries in general) and non-alcoholic beverages (7.2%) and motor vehicles and motorcycles (7.7%), which experienced higher promotions, advertising strategies and store openings in May 2018. [19659014] ECONOMICS AND AFFAIRS

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