Influenza vaccine still available for at-risk groups


Ministry of Health officials have urged the population to step up prevention measures against the influenza virus, which has already killed 21 people across the country.

National influenza surveillance coordinator Homer Mejía said that "we are entering the season when the flu is rising because of the weather, for the rainy season that will last until August."

It is because of this situation that Mejía urged the population to maintain handwashing with soap and water or the application of alcohol gel, l & rsquo; Use of disposable masks and tissues in case of flu-like symptoms, sneezing in the forearm, kisses or kisses, among the preventive measures. 19659002] In addition, vaccination of people in risk groups is important, since 100% of the dead were not vaccinated and were part of the group. patients in vulnerable situations due to basic or chronic diseases, and until June, 905,521 people were vaccinated against influenza, or 84% of the target.

Of the deaths confirmed by influenza, 20 are of type AH1N1 and 1 are of type B, of which 14 are adults and 7 are minors, among them the Central District with 9 cases, followed by Choluteca with 5 , Yoro with 3, areas with the largest number of cases, according to the report of the Health Surveillance Unit (UVS).

Available vaccine

The official said that the flu vaccine is available in all health facilities for patients who are at risk groups: pregnant women, people with chronic diseases from 6 months to 59 years, the elderly, health care workers and poultry farms.

Vaccination door-to-door is already complete will be available Vaccine by the voluntary request of patients, with the aim of protecting those who suffer from persistent diseases, since the flu is a preventable disease.

The symptoms of the flu are: nasal congestion and respiratory distress, fatigue, headache, high fever, body aches, nausea, among others; it is therefore recommended to go immediately to the nearest health facility.

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