Instagram: Natti Natasha surprises fans with sexy picture in swimsuit | Singer | Shows


Singer Natti Natasha surprised her followers of Instagram by sharing a sensual photo in which she teaches a little more than usual in her social networks.

Instagram the Dominican woman enjoyed a sunny day on a beach in the Dominican Republic, where she spends a few days on vacation

YOU CAN SEE Natti Natasha expresses her love for Ozuna with photo in Instagram

In the Instagram snapshot the singer wears a white string swimsuit, silver sunglbades and round earrings. The picture shows the tattoo Natti Natasha has on the right side of her hip, very close to her bad.

The comments of his fans did not wait, in addition, the picture has more than 800 thousand "Like" on Instagram.

"Beautiful", "I love your curves", "So cute", "Pretty", "Beautiful Latina", "Beautiful and bady", "What a goddess", "Beautiful Dominican", "The most beautiful "bella", "You're a sweet", "That you're beautiful", "Goddess of music, I love you", were some of the messages that the singer received.

Natti Natasha was was presented at the country's original Tele Micro Festival, where he also attended Daddy Yankee Currently, the performer is promoting his single 'Who Knows', next to Becky G .

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