Interest Rates: capping proposal concern


The Bank for Foreign Trade of Colombia (Bancoldex) considers the possibility of capping interest rates, on the resources it distributes to microcredit intermediaries.

he worried the microfinance industry because he baderted that to take such a step could increase the number of micro-entrepreneurs funded by drip.

"If Bancoldex puts a cap on interest rates we will return to the figures of 7 million microentrepreneurs according to the so-called pagadiarios it will be an embarrbading setback" emphasized Maria Clara Hoyos, president of Asomicrofinanzas

For the union it is worrying that this possibility be considered in the middle of the connection with the government of Iván Duque leaving an open door for the measure to be contemplated and "In 2007, the country made a great effort to certify the differential rates in commercial credit lines, consumption and microcredit, and saw the impetus that gave the country the microcredit, many companies were removed from the drip ", said the union representative.

On the other hand, the Colombian Association of Micro-Financial Institutions (Asomicrofinance) proposed to the government of Ivan Duque the creation of a Vice-Ministry, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism to improve the conditions of small entrepreneurs

"That there is a vice-ministry who knows the needs of more than 10, 4 million businesses on own account and microentrepreneurs that the country has because the best way to design consistent public policies is to know what the population needs, "said Hoyos.

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