International experts in the fight against cancer meet this week in Cali


July 03, 2018 – 17:08



Agencia EFE

A debate on cancer in Cali, framed in the Day of the Rock Press (RPD) will take place in the capital of the Valley this Wednesday and Thursday, where scientific and health journalists from the region and Latin America participate each year

The meeting will serve to badyze in depth the City Cancer Challenge, C / Can 2025, also known as the Cities Against Cancer Challenge name

The initiative is part of a global multisectoral campaign of the Access Accelerated project, which brings together UICC, the World Bank, the private sector represented by 20 pharmacists and local governments.

the second leading cause of death in Latin America. These cases are expected to increase by 106% by 2030.

These Latin American specialists will meet to badess priorities in the fight against cancer in Cali, a pioneering city as it has taken up the regional challenge of fighting against this disease.

The City Cancer Challenge Initiative, C / Can 2025, which came into effect in the Valley Capital a little over a year ago, aims to reduce the cancer rate by 25 % by 2025. [19659007] The model implemented involves pioneering all the actors who can contribute to the solution of this public health problem.

The project promoted by the Union for International Control of Cancer, UICC, bet that cities are organized to fight against the disease and that all actors, patients, doctors, the health system and the Private initiative, work hand in hand to achieve better results.

In addition to Cali, C / Can 2025 has also begun its implementation in Latin America in Asunción (Paraguay) and Porto Allegre (Brazil)

The Satellite Symposium "Access to Health in Latin America", organized by the Agency, will be held under the RPD 2018 program. EFE and the García Márquez Foundation for the New Ibero-American Journalism (FNPI).

The forum will have two spaces: the Forum EFE Health: "Cities organized against cancer", with the participation of UICC, the Ministry of Health of the Valley of Cauca, Center for Studies on social protection and the health economy, and Roche Colombia.

The workshop "Different centers, the same goal.Cali is organized against cancer" will be moderated by the FNPI.

In less than a decade, it is expected that the world's population living in medium-sized cities will reach more than one billion, so public health problems, such as cancer and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), will increase and will be concentrated in cities.

Read also: The noble story behind the work of the sisters fighting for children in Cali

The panel led by EFE will be structured into four thematic blocks (awareness, diagnosis, infrastructure and funding), which will examine the urgent measures and challenges in Latin American cities to improve the education and prevention of noncommunicable diseases.

In addition, the role of patients and the need to empower them in relation to their own care. The challenges of overcoming high rates of advanced stage cancer diagnosis and the necessary measures will be addressed to ensure access to a rapid and fair diagnosis of cancer.

Experts will also badyze the importance of having quality records to improve disease control.

The distribution of resources in cities will also be discussed. and how the private sector can contribute to strengthening health systems in the region, as well as sustainable funding models for cancer care in Cali and other cities in Latin America.

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