International Film Festival for Human Rights Announces 2018 Movies


28 feature films and 34 short films were selected in the official competitions of this edition, which promises to challenge the current era.

Poster of the International Film Festival for Human Rights 2018. Courtesy

Between ] August 10th and 16th is the fifth edition of International Festival of film for human rights which can be enjoyed in five cities of the country. The selection 2018 comprises eight categories distributed as follows: seven feature films in the official fiction contest, eight in the national documentary, 13 in the international documentary, eight in the Colombian cinema, 30 titles in the official competition Ccortometraje fiction and documentary, and four in animation. (You might be interested: Human Rights Film Festival Bogota is looking for new filmmakers.)

All of these films will be competing for a recognition award given by the festival and an economic award in categories specific for more than 100 million pesos. 19659005] " The artistic look of the festival guides curators to identify stories in which their protagonists or events are of an inspiring nature most cbadettes start from the violation of one's own. right, that's why we are looking for looks and characters who, according to their experience, demonstrate the importance of promoting and defending human rights, "says Diana Arias, director general of the festival

28 feature films and 34 short films they are world premieres, international, are called to conform to the official competitions of this edition which promises to be a question at the present time .. Under the premise #ElCineNosUne this event presents a cinema that goes beyond the borders in order to connect a country to the defense and promotion of d Human Rights

as well as all the films selected in 2018 can be found in this link.

Titles of each competition

Official Competition of Long Documentaries National

The Taking of the Millennium of Martha Rodriguez – Colombia – 2017

Corteros of Oscar Marino Ordóñez Rojas – Colombia – 2017

The Voices of the Guerilla of Sjoerd van Grootheest – Colombia – 2017

] Winds of resistance of Zeltia Outeiriño – Colombia / Spain – 2017

Luis Alexander Díaz Molina's Rolling Peace – Colombia – 2017

Why Sing the Birds of Adrián Villa and Alejandra Quintana – Colombia – 2017

Mi Río Yurumanguí by Melissa Saavedra – Colombia – 2017 [19659005] Andaki, Camino de vida by Juan Pablo Méndez – Colombia 2017

International Competition of Long Documentaries

On the Edge of Ana Katz – Argentina 2017

Ra The Resistance of Jesse Roberts – Palestine and the United States 2017

Daddy is Soo-min Park, Seung-Hyeob Kim – Korea del Sur 2017

Edison Vanegas Talent Millionaire – Colombia 2017

Juan Andrés Arango X500 – Colombia 2016

Green Butterflies by Gustavo Nieto Roa – Colombia 2017

Missing from Dorián Fernández Moris – 2017


International Competition of Long Formal Documentaries ]

Kappa altik Zapatista de Cucho Ramírez – Spain – 2017 [1965] 9005] 1950: The Nationalist Insurrection of José Manuel Dávila Marichal -Puerto Rico – 2017

Escape from Vinicius Sbadine, Mariana Paschoal , Julien Mérienne, Maria Chatzi –

Brazil, Spain – 2017

Women of Wangki Rossana Lacayo – Nicaragua -2017

The Education in Motion of Malena Noguer- Martin Ferrari – Argentina – 2017

Namrud (Troublemaker) from Ferna ndo Romero-Forsthuber – Austria – 2017

The Vinegar Syndrome of David Aguilar Iñigo and Pello Gutiérrez Peñalba – Spain – 2017

Katsikas. Echoes of an exodus of Rodrigo Vásquez – Spain -2017

Women with warm hands Adrián Macías Díaz – Mexico – 2017

The Sign – Exploration of the knowledge of Leandro Pinto Le Roux – Peru – 2017

Silent, when the abused are them by Nacho González – Spain -2017

No friends but the mountains by Kae Bahar and Claudio Von Planta – Kurdistan / United Kingdom – 2017

Garzón / Assange, the judge and the rebel by Clara López Rubio and Juan Pancorbo – Spain / Germany – 2017.

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