It is not necessary to apply the cream half an hour before sunbathing


Researchers at the University of Málaga (UMA) claim that sunscreens are effective five minutes after their application on the skin. The findings of his work have recently been published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology. This study dismisses the theory about the need to apply the cream half an hour before sunbathing.

For its development, experts in UMA photoprotection, led by Enrique Herrera, used in vitro laboratory techniques, from where they followed the evolution of the cream by solar simulation, through transmission measures. spectral after the first minute, at five, 10 and 30.

Experts recommend the application of a high-protection sunscreen every two hours since, in general, the amount normally used n '. is not enough

] "Already in this first phase we realized that the formula is stabilized and the photoprotection is homogeneous and stable after five minutes of its application", explain the engines of the study.

However, scientists have moved these early results to a study with volunteers, using photographic techniques with flash ultraviolet emission in specific areas of the back. "The conclusions were the same, and the absorption potential of the cream was stable from the same moment," the researchers said.

They also advise the application of a high-protection sunscreen every two hours since, in general, the amount that is normally used is not the -2 milligrams per square centimeter of skin – and its distribution is not usually the right one.

How long does it take to burn the skin

Last summer, researchers from the UMA María Victoria de Gálvez and José Aguilera, in collaboration with the Piel Sana Foundation of 39, Spanish Academy of Dermatology, have developed the appUV-DERMA, a mobile app that calculates the time it takes to burn skin during a sunbath.

its success, with nearly 45,000 downloads, will launch in late July a new version translated into all languages ​​for use around the world.

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