Juan José Campanella recognized for his work


As part of the 60th anniversary of the DAC, prizes were awarded to distinguished directors of the year, Juan José Campanella Manuel Antín, Lucía Puenzo, Bruno Stagnaro, Victor Stella, Jorge Bechara and Liliana Romero was awarded by the entity in recognition of her work behind the scenes.

The event brought together directors, actors and film industry focal points in a day of celebration that culminated with the awards ceremony. years at full speed, realizing the dream of its legendary founders. Today, thanks to its representation, more than 1,200 directors and directors receive their audiovisual authors' rights with punctuality and transparency. Its headquarters, the Audiovisual Director's House, is a magnificent proof of all that has been achieved. His social action offers many advantages to his badociates; its Professional Extension Center offers exclusive, permanent and free training

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