July 20: closing at El Dorado airport for celebration


The 20th of July will mark the 208th anniversary of Independence Day and on the occasion of this celebration the traditional air magazine will take place. For this reason, Civil Aeronautics reported that there would be closures at El Dorado Airport.

Closing will take place from 10:00. m. at 12:30 pm ., at which time the presentation will take place. In addition to this, on Wednesday, July 18, airport operations will also be suspended at the same time in order to perform the rehearsals of the show.

"Although the closures were previously programmed and socialized with airlines, is recommended to travelers who have scheduled flights during these days, keep in touch with the airlines to avoid inconvenience by d & # 39; Any changes in the routes, "said Aeronautics through a statement.

Similarly, the air authorities asked the various airlines to contact their pbadengers and to offer them various alternatives in their flight itineraries so that it had no impact on users.

Avianca announced changes to flights normally scheduled in these areas. Similarly, he made the following recommendations to pbadengers:

  • Confirm his itinerary before reporting to the airport, via the web page, the mobile application or the center lines d & # 39; calls.
  • Get out in advance the tracks that will be presented that day for the Independence Day parades.

Avianca reported that airline staff contacted travelers who might be affected by the adjustments, to offer different possibilities for rearrangement on other flights. ] [ad_2]
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