Know the 65 companies that sanctioned the CIS for not having respected the rate of wear | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


In a statement, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) reports having made 151 administrative visits to companies carrying out credit operations, different from the banking sector, and irregularities in the regulations financing, especially to comply with the limit of wear, sanctioned companies with 65 fines for $ 4,866 million (see which companies are fined in the attached file).

Specifically the penalties for not respecting the limit that may be the entity also found other irregularities, which corresponded to complaints filed by consumers in front of the entity, such as advance fees, advertising and misleading information, without regard to the right of withdrawal. and the existence of unfair and prohibited clauses. Sanctions were imposed for $ 2,680 million.

The largest fines were received by BCI and Advanced Advances, with a penalty of $ 1,288 million; and Credivalores – Crediservicios SAS and the crediprogreso credit cooperative, which operates in Barranquilla, Ibagué, Monteria, Neiva and Villavicencio, with a fine of 507.8 million dollars, for breach of the consumer protection regime and for non-compliance with the limit of wear.

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