Las Ceibas announces new works for Neiva


Cielo Ortiz Serrato, director of Las Ceibas E.S.P., delivered the management balance of his administration.

With ads such as the supply line south of the city; the interconnection between the tank, the gardening factory and the leisure plant; sanitary and storm sewer of Las Granjas; the optimization of the storm sewer system of the Luna Verde interchange and the construction of the Aguas Lluvias interceptor of the Homecenter chain, Cielo Ortíz Serrato, manager of Las Ceibas, this week presented the balance of business management these last two years way

Besides the projects on which the company will focus during this year and next year, the achievements have been presented, particularly in terms of infrastructures such as the optimization of water and sewer networks that will provide a service In 2017, we reached a historic figure exceeding the 16,500 million pesos in optimizing the network, "said the manager.

Meanwhile, the company has replaced 1,850 km of sewerage networks and 1,882 km of water supply networks optimized to improve the service n the service in the 10 municipalities d e the city, especially in areas where the service was previously intermittent.

Delivery of the final designs of the wastewater treatment plant, SEEU, as well as half of the resources that ensure the construction of the first two lines of treatment, thanks to the resources of the CAM, the municipality, the Department and Cormagdalena, have been other announcements expected by the city that has a delay of several years on this issue.

"Since 2005, Neiva was failing to build its treatment plant, all kinds of studies had been done, and in those 13 years we had never done so much and now we can start the first two lines of treatment and we can treat 80% of the sewage that now spills the city into the Magdalena River, "said Ortiz.


This week began the second phase of Sectorización with which, according to the company, will have full control of the water network of the city in about 18 months and "we would deliver to neivanos an infrastructure of 39; water supply, better regulated, with efficient closures and measuring systems that will allow us not only to improve the quality of service, but also to reduce the rates of water not accounted for, "explains Ortíz Serrato [19659003] In the processu s modernization and administrative efficiency strategies have been presented in tax and tax matters, such as the adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) with which Las Ceibas it has made economies of The order of 4,500 million pesos. In addition, with the change of contractual model, the face-to-face auction mechanism has been implemented as a tool for efficiency and transparency to reduce the cost of chemicals by more than 30%. used to purify the water. This economy has exceeded 600 million pesos, which have been allocated to the expansion and optimization of the aqueduct of the capital of Huila.

As part of the modernization of the company, 600 points of payment in the city and financial entities; one-stop shop to simplify the procedures and adapt the administrative headquarters with a more agile and modern point of attention.

Part of Las Ceibas's commitments with the city are the protection of the Las Ceibas River Basin, where Planning and Management Plan (POMCH), the forest reserve area of ​​the upper part has been delimited. "Under the direction of the mayor's office and the government, 8,058 hectares have been acquired on the 15,000 hectares of land in the basin for conservation and reforestation," said the official.


Ángela Ospina

"Thank you to the Mayor of Neiva, Rodrigo Lara, and to Las Ceibas Director, Cielo Ortiz, for these important things that I He has delivered to the community, we have been asking for this work for many years and today it benefits many families.

Álvaro Cuenca Silva

"In the neighborhood of Calixto, we change more than 80% the sewer and drinking water lines. We have been asking for this work for over 40 years and no administration has done it. To thank the mayor for his management.

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