Latin American stock markets split after a session in red on Wall Street – News



  The stock exchange of Santiago de Chile lost 1.34% in its main index, the IPSA, which closed at 5,369.51 points, the largest collapse of the day in the region, after an amount of securities traded for about $ 736.57 million. EFE / Archive

The Santiago de Chile Stock Exchange lost 1.34% in its main index, the IPSA, which closed at 5,369.51 points, the biggest collapse of the day in the region, after a certain number of securities traded by some $ 736.57 million. EFE / Archive
(Photo: EFE )

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Bogota, July 27 (EFE) .- Latin American stock markets closed today divided between losses and gains, before Wall Street's red numbers for corporate earnings that disappointed investors , and the rebound in Europe after the calm generated the trade truce between the United States and the EU.
In the New York Public Prosecutor's Office, the Dow Jones fell 0.30% and settled at 25,451.06 whole, the S & P 500 selective fell 0.66% and East established at 2818.82 units; and the Nasdaq composite market index lost 1.46% and remained at 7,737.42.
The main market of the world has been bustling after knowing that the US economy. it grew at a rate of 4.1% in the second quarter, the highest rate since 2014, but lost ground with the release of Twitter results, whose monthly user numbers dropped, and Intel , which faces delays in launching products.
In Europe, after the reconciliation of positions this week between the United States and the European Union (EU) in its tariff disputes, places have peaked on the rise: Madrid rebounded 0.9%, Paris rose 0.57%; London, 0.5%; Milan, 0.42%; and Frankfurt, 0.4%.
In this context, the Latin American stock markets closed with mixed results, also guided by the behavior of local values.
Thus, the Sao Paulo stock market rose by 0.58% and its Ibovespa index stood at 79,866 points, after R $ 8,711 million (about $ 2,343 million), in positive reaction to the political scenario. Presidential elections of October. and good quarterly business results.
The price and quotation index (CPI) of the Mexican market rose 0.42% and closed at 49,643.94 units, during a session in which 16,650 million pesos Mexicans (approximately $ 892.8 million) were paid.
The Merval of Buenos Aires rebounded 0.19% and settled at 29,259.02 whole, after reaching a financial volume of 610.39 million Argentine pesos (about 22.37 million dollars).
Conversely, the Santiago Stock Exchange yielded 1.34% in its main index, the IPSA, which closed at 5,369.51 points, with a volume of securities traded at 473,619 260,067 pesos Chileans (about 736.57 million pesos). dollars).
The Colombian prosecutor's office lost 0.08% in its Colcap index, which was 1,536.13, after transactions of 77,386.67 million Colombian pesos (about 26.8 million dollars)
And the S & P / BVL Peru General closed at 20,373.96 full to decrease 0.20%, at a meeting during which 5,913,720 soles ($ 1,806,268) were traded.
The evolution of Latin American stock markets was as follows:

Market closing points
SAO PAULO + 0.58% 79,866
MEXICO + 0.42% 49,643.94
BUENOS AIRES + 0.19% 29 259.02
SANTIAGO -1.34% 5,369.51
COLOMBIA -0.08% 1,536.13
LIMA -0.20% 20,373.96
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