Learn how to take care of your baby's teeth | BABY


For many, oral health is synonymous with white teeth and even with a pretty smile, but the truth, its meaning goes beyond. It is related to the care and prevention of the oral cavity and its parts, which influence chewing, swallowing and sucking, the latter key in badfeeding . The mouth intervenes in language and supports vital processes such as diet and breathing. Thus, good oral health is essential in life stages such as infancy and, in the case of women, during pregnancy.

Similarly, good oral hygiene can become an obstacle to protection against the ills that affect the different organs of the body. Alma Godinez Morales, dentist, with focus on infants and former president of the Mexican Dental Association, argues that " more than 120 diseases enter the mouth, which must be taken in account, because there is no, we do not have general health . "

In Colombia, according to the fourth national study of oral health (Ensab IV), carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, caries affects 98.6% of the population at some point in their lives and less than 2% of Colombians manage to reach 60 years with their complete teeth, partly because of lack of care and prevention in early childhood

Children are a priority group in the subject, as early lesions of caries reach 29 percent of them, in the first year of life; 83 percent, at age 3 and up to 89 percent, at age 5.

The study does not only talk about caries, but the numbers do not improve with respect to other dental problems such as fluorosis (excessive accumulation of fluoride which changes tooth enamel) and periodontal diseases that attack the gums. These conditions can lead to loss of teeth at any time.

How to prevent?

One of the most threatening ailments of children's teeth is cavities, the most common chronic disease in childhood, whose base of proliferation is poor oral hygiene. To prevent its occurrence, the specialist Alma Godinez points out an adequate diet and proper cleaning habits in every age of the child.

  Baby teeth

In childhood the delicate tooth decay can be presented, which are caused by the frequent exposure of the teeth of the child to liquids containing sugars including bad milk, infant formula, fruit juice and other sweetened beverages.

The sugars they contain These liquids are fixed around the baby's teeth and gums and feed the bacteria responsible for the plaque. When the child consumes a sweet liquid the acids attack the teeth and the gum and, after several of these attacks, the teeth begin to hicker.

In the case of badfed babies during badfeeding. For a long time, sugary fluids left in the mouth increase the likelihood of tooth decay. Therefore, experts warn that children should never be allowed to fall asleep with a bottle in their mouths.

If the child can already eat compotes and salty food, slowly withdraw the bottle and give it

In the worst case, if the teeth get infected or fall off Bottle cavities, your child may develop poor eating habits, speech problems, crooked teeth. and a bad dentition in adulthood. Remember that healthy teeth in childhood are usually the antecedent of a permanent, healthy and harmonious tooth.


There is no doubt that the well-being of the mother and her mood in pregnancy, will be the basis of your child's health, therefore, in medical follow-up and the care of pregnancy, something very important, and sometimes neglected, is the dental check.

The baby's teeth begin in the womb towards the sixth week of gestation, a fundamental period for the proper development of the same

For the dentist and oral rehabilitation, Christian Salazar specialist in aesthetics dental, oral health in pregnant women is paramount, "It's a step in which more attention needs to be given to the mouth and take care of the teeth and gums, since the Bacterial flora is modified by the action of hormones, making them more prone to accumulate tartar and bacteria which can cause them to suffer from gingivitis, tooth decay, erosion of enamel, tooth mobility or periodontitis. "

Dr. María Fernanda Atuesta, president of the Colombian Dental Federation, explains that what happens during pregnancy is that " the body changes and many nutrients and functions are focused on supporting the training and growth of the baby which allows the teeth to weaken. "

She goes on to say that this makes her vulnerable to "the fracture of her teeth, because of these systemic circumstances that easily alter our general health conditions. The important thing is to have extra care so that the calcium and nutrients we transmit to the baby do not affect us radically . "

For his part, the pediatric dentist of the San Martín University Foundation, Liliam Patricia Sotelo, says that it is necessary to ensure that the mother's diet and her own medical condition are optimal because "the formation of the baby's teeth begins in the uterus around the sixth week of gestation.So, when the woman discovers that she is pregnant, a few weeks have already pbaded since they were essential, because then the baby's dental training begins. "

Dr. Salazar insists that women should have increased dental care during the first three months and the last two pregnancies and, moreover, , "avoid surgical procedures, excessive bleeding, implant placement and anesthesia during pregnancy."

For Atuesta, President of the Federation, a good brushing, which checks the teeth and gums; do not lie down without first cleaning the mouth; visit the dentist, at least twice a year, and eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which provide the nutrients necessary for a healthy teething, which will help her and the baby, to wait.


From the newborn, adopt the habit of oral hygiene l. Take a clean gauze; moisten it in boiled water and pbad it into the baby's gums, especially at night, before sleeping, so that she does not rest with milk residue in her mouth.
– With the arrival of the first tooth, brushing, at least once a day with brush and fluoride toothpaste indicated for each age.
That your baby does not sleep with bottles or sweet foods in the mouth with this will reduce the risk of infection even if the teeth just come out, thus avoiding the presence of pain , reluctance to eat, sleep discomfort and nutritional problems.
– Accompany the child with brushing and teach him to control the amount of cream and to brush the teeth and molars, upper and lower.

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