Liss Pereira, the humorist confirms the sex of his baby

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The comedian Liss Pereira, who is expecting his first child with his partner, the famous" Comedian of the Night ", Ricardo Quevedo, described by means of a publication in his Instagram account that she lived during the pregnancy of her pregnancy and also took the opportunity to reveal the bad of her firstborn.

that she was in a photo shoot, she had the opportunity to use humor She characterizes her to tell the bad of her baby: "So many years of female release to end up happy because a man strikes me, from the inside "touching her belly and with a smile on her face, is how she decides to announce that the bad of her baby is similarly, he mentions being happier than he imagined at this stage of his life, knowing what it really is to be a mother [19659002] Entertainment

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"I love this picture, is a memory of those times when we are happy with things that it would never have thought of feeling "and while he explains that this photo is not retouched but that everything is due to the glow that brings fertility, adds" my belly is capricious, there are more panzones than other days "

I was taking pictures for the new show, which is coming soon soon and a very hard inside movement that I had never felt in my life was recorded in this photo, it was not the first time but I still feel very surprised, if you ask me what is the most fickle thing in the world for me these days c & Is to feel that … so many years of female release to end up happy because a man hits me … and from inside ???????? ♀ The fact is that I love this picture, this picture is a reminder of those times when one is happy with pods that he never thought that it was would feel … certainly swear is not retouched that is the glow of feleness ???????? And yes, my belly is capricious, there are more panzones days than others ???????????????? #Yerricardo #YodaAlbeiro # ReteniendoLíquidos #RisaDelicada

A publication shared by Liss Pereira (@lisspereira) on July 10, 2018 at 10:14 AM PDT

It should be noted that Liss Pereira, a few months ago, announced her pregnancy with a picture that shows her father caressing her belly, with a message that said "it was the day I gave them the news they had long dreamed about" are going to be grandparents "" and next to this publication, she chose to speak of pride that begets her father, "Yiyo", for having taken four women forward with the same "unsuspected tenderness" and especially with a look of little boy who at 57 does not change it, it's him, witty, tender and stubborn "


Jessica Cediel:" I'm not a nun "

He's Alirio Pereira and this picture sums up as a person and as a father, i know a lot of people do not have my happiness and my sisters d & To have girls to a man who s and he dies for them, and that's how he is with us, he lives in love and, in spite of me, he continues to treat me as his child, and for that I thank God for having badigned to me. This day of the photo was very special for my family because it was the day I gave them the news that they had been waiting for a long time "they are going to be grandparents" I'm also sure that it's 39, was one of the happiest days of life of "Yiyo" as we tell him about affection, this man who is the father of 4 girls, is the husband that every woman would kill to have and is to be with the greatest patience in the world, it takes up synchronized hormones, and everything always does as they see in the photo … with infinite love, with unsuspected tenderness and above all with a look of a little boy who does not change him to his 57, he's the one, witty, loving, stubborn and a big boy, who never wanted to be left hurt by the adversities who touched him but that's an example because despite everything he is one of the most sincere people I know, that's m a father that I love and who dies to know his grandson with whom nowadays make new plans. I love Yiyo ❤️ Happy Father's Day for you, good dads, like mine and like my son's daddy ???? good day for those who, without having spawned, are better dads than biological, good day for all those who have badumed this role in life with love and responsibility # HappyDíaPapás ​​#YiyoEnTopless By the way, the photo was not asked.

A publication shared by Liss Pereira (@lisspereira) on June 24, 2018 at 9:25 PDT

Also, you can read the comments of his followers who accompany him in his scene as a mother for The first time "Hermosa, being a father is a wonderful experience that everyone can not understand.Finally, no one can miss what he does not know yet.A big hug", "You are the best and give me want to have a child, "among other messages that can be seen in the publication that already has more than 77,617 likes on the Instagram platform.


The humorist Liss Pereira, who is expecting his first child with his partner, the famous" Comedian of the Night ", Ricardo Quevedo, described by means of a publication in his Instagram account what He lived during the pregnancy of his pregnancy and also took the opportunity to unveil the bad of her firstborn.

While she was in photo shoot, she had the opportunity to 39 use the humor that characterizes her so much to tell the bad of her baby: finish happy because a man strikes me, from the inside "touching his belly and with a smile on his face, it 's like he' s deciding to announce that the kind of his baby is masculine, and he mentions being happier than he imagined at this point "J & # 39; love this picture, it's a memory of those times when we're happy with things that he never thought he'd feel "and he explains that or is not retouched but to ut is due to the glow that brings fertility, adds "my belly is capricious, there are days more panzones than others"

It should be noted that Liss Pereira, there are some month, her announced her pregnancy with a picture showing her father caressing her belly, with a message saying "it was the day I gave them the news they had long dreamed about" are going to be grandparents "and to side of this publication, she opted to talk about the pride that her father generates for her, "Yiyo", for taking four women forward with the same "unsuspected tenderness and especially with a look of a little boy who at 57 years old does not change him, it's him, spiritual "

He is Alirio Pereira and this picture sums up as a person and as a father, I know that many people do not rely on the happiness of my sisters and my sisters to have a man who dies because of them, and it is comm This is with us, lives in love and weighs R of my 32 continues to treat me as his child, and for that I thank God for having badigned me. This day of the photo was very special for my family because it was the day I gave them the news that they had been waiting for a long time "they are going to be grandparents" I'm also sure that it's 39, was one of the happiest days of life of "Yiyo" as we tell him about affection, this man who is the father of 4 girls, is the husband that every woman would kill to have and is to be with the greatest patience in the world, it takes up synchronized hormones, and everything always does as they see in the photo … with infinite love, with unsuspected tenderness and above all with a look of a little boy who does not change him to his 57, he's the one, witty, loving, stubborn and a big boy, who never wanted to be left hurt by the adversities who touched him but that's an example because despite everything he is one of the most sincere people I know, that's m a father that I love and who dies to know his grandson with whom nowadays make new plans. I love Yiyo ❤️ Happy Father's Day for you, good dads, like mine and like my son's daddy ???? good day for those who, without having spawned, are better dads than biological, good day for all those who have badumed this role in life with love and responsibility # HappyDíaPapás ​​#YiyoEnTopless By the way, the photo was not asked.

A publication shared by Liss Pereira (@lisspereira) on June 24, 2018 at 9:25 PDT

Also, you can read the comments of his followers who accompany him in his scene as a mother for The first time "Hermosa, being a father is a wonderful experience that everyone can not understand.No one can not miss what he does not know yet.A big hug", "You are the best and me makes you want to have a child, "among other messages that we can see in the publication that already has more than 77 617 likes on the Instagram platform.

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