Los Turizo, the new face of urban pop


Colombian brothers Manuel and Julián Turizo are the young promise of the urban genre, one is a composer and the other performer, together they conquered the popularity lists of different countries and are in Mexico to announce three scheduled presentations to begin in September, in the cities of Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico.

In a lecture, Manuel, who managed to conquer the youth with songs like Bésame, Esperando, Una señora como usted and Déjala que regreso, said that his music only speaks of love and that it was not. he does not intend to take the place of anyone. he works in his own way.

In the company of his brother Julián, Manuel Turizo said that music is changing but that urban pop is gaining ground unlike other rhythms, this is mainly due to the fact that they have direct communication. For example, a woman like you already has more than a billion views on YouTube and is the most downloaded theme on platforms like Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Google, Play Music, Apple and Shazam, with great surprise , many of these downloads belong to the European market. "

On their presentations in Mexico scheduled for September 28 in Monterrey, 29 in Mexico City and 30 of that same month in G uadalajara, the brothers promised surprises, new songs, moments of happiness, sentimental and even sad

For them, the current way of presenting music through digital platforms is good, they like physical discs, but with networks can be in touch with the public.

Manuel baderted that s & # 39; there was no reggaeton collaborations, the genre would not have as much impact: "These unions that refresh the music"

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