Malaria in Venezuela has been rising since 2008


The World Health Organization (WHO) reported between 2015 and 2016 detected 5,000,000 cases of malaria in the world and America reported an increase of 20% during this period.

The agency badured that In Venezuela, malaria infections, badociated with food shortages and tuberculosis, have been increasing since 2008.

"It is one of the diseases that are most prevalent, "said Luis Alberto Moreno, president of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Development, which funds the fight against malaria in the Americas, reviewed New York Times.

Venezuela, as well as Panama, Nicaragua and Peru reported more malaria infections in 2016 than in 2010. Cases in Colombia doubled between 2015 and 2016. [19659004"UntilaVenezuelangovernmentisreadyTodosomethingaboutitit'shardtodoanythingbutwait"saidMorenoamemberoftheEndMalariaCouncilaresponsecoordinationteamheadedbyBillGates

He badured that Venezuelans would cross the borders in Colombia, Guyana and Brazil because the breeding conditions of the mosquito that transmits the disease are favorable in these areas. regions.

"Mosquitoes do not respect borders", adds Moreno

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