Mallplaza breaks records in its debut on the Santiago Stock Exchange


Mallplaza made its debut on the Santiago Stock Exchange this Friday, July 28th. The operating group of shopping centers in Chile, Peru and Colombia reached a collection of 343,440 million Chilean pesos, an amount that exceeds 530 million dollars; This is the biggest market opening in the history of the national market

Mallplaza breaks records in its debut on the Santiago Stock Exchange – Pulse

According to the Santiago Stock Exchange, the introduction Mallplaza's stock market included the placement of 240 million shares at a price of 1,431 per share. Reuters data indicate that among the main underwriters of the Chilean group's BPR are local institutional funds, with 41% of the total amount; Pension Fund Administrators (AFP), with 14% and foreign investors with nearly 20%.

Plaza S.A. is the holding company that operates in Chile, Peru and Colombia, shopping centers under the Mallplaza brand. According to its latest report on financial results for the period from January to March 2018, the company recorded an increase in revenue reaching a total of 71,745 million Chilean pesos, an increase of 9% over the same period. period of last year

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