Maluma and Natalia Barulich shake Instagram for an intimate photo in bed | Shows


The 2018 Russia World Cup was the best excuse for singer Maluma to spend more time with his girlfriend, Natalia Barulich, while incidentally supporting the Colombian national team, as well as the team from Jorge Sampaoli

bit for the couple, because the Colombian artist had to leave Russia to complete a series of work commitments. However, apparently the distance is not an obstacle for them to continue to manifest their love for Instagram.

YOU CAN SEE Maluma reveals how he fell in love with Thalia during his adolescence [VIDEO]

The recent publication Natalia Barulich drew the attention of thousands of people because it meant the image the more intimate of the couple made public.

In the photo that the model shared in her Instagram stories, we see Maluma and Natalia Barulich enjoying their love in the bed of the artist 's private plane. 19659002] "Members of the Mile High Club only", is the phrase that accompanies the publication and with which it refers to what it was taken after an intimate moment with the popular & Pretty Boy & # 39 ;.

The followers of the couple, who Apparently snuggled, the snapshot is considered his "most intimate photo".

In addition to being one of the most established international entertainment couples, they cause repercussions for each of their members. ovimientos

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