Manpower reveals difficulties on the part of employers when hiring staff


Employers say that there is a shortage of talent.

Maria Paula Aristizábal

Many talk about the lack of opportunities in the job market, they say that getting a job is a real success. Manpower, an employment agency, consulted 39,195 employers in 43 countries on the vicissitudes of finding staff and found that the problem is not the lack of jobs, but the one that occupies these vacancies.

Employers are not easy because they have to hire people who have specific skills to do the job they want. In addition to this, they must have human strengths, which are concluded in a complement for the proper development of the staff and their functions.

And are more and more employers struggling to fill available vacancies? The report reveals that 45% of them do not easily find the skills they need in an employee.

The figure jumps to 67% when we talk about large companies, which admit to having a shortage of talent. There, the average number of employees is 250.

In the specific case of Colombia, only 9% of employers say that it is difficult to find who to employ, while 44% of them do not have a job. among them say that the difficulty is similar to

According to the results of the study, some of the reasons that complicate the work of employers in Colombia are: lack of experience (34%), lack of of candidates (21%), lack of technical skills (17%), dissatisfaction of candidates with salaries offered (12%), the particular problems of each company (3%), lack of human strength ( 3%) and, finally, the aspiration to better benefits (2%).

Javier Echeverri, national director of ManpowerGroup in Colombia, badured that "up to now, 42% of surveyed employers live in the flesh, evidence that supply and demand for labor they do not sink and it's necessary to have flexibility for people to gain experience and robustezcan their profiles. "

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