Manuela Peña presents its ÜIO collection in Colombiamoda 2018


The natural and reused supplies become the pieces of the collection ÜIO that Manuela Peña will present with his brand Religare at Fashion Week in Colombia

Sustainability, eco-responsibility and ethical fashion each time they become decisive values ​​in the Textile industry and clothing; that's why more and more designers are seeing the need to base their collections on these types of concepts that are not only an added value but an important part of their environmental commitment with each of the clothes that they produce and through which they sensitize their

Manuela Peña, creator of the brand Religare, is one of those fashion designers who, through the use of plant fibers, cottons organic and natural dyes, research the creative process. I think that we come from nature and that we are part of it, we are not exclusive, that is why we bet as much as possible on the natural fibers, the vegetable dyes and the organic matters; these are materials that can be used as much as possible to be circular, which means being part of a fashion where a product is created to be able to be used and return to its cycle, as happens with fruits or with a banana peels that are materials that come back and biodegrade. This is the big challenge of a designer or a designer. Manuela says

The designer has recently started working with "cumare", a natural fiber used by the indigenous communities of Caquetá to make hammocks, backpacks and hats, besides contributing to sustainability, it is a strategy that contributes to the construction of a social fabric.

Manuela and her brand will be protagonists in Colombiamoda 2018, one of the most important showcases of the 39, industry in Latin America, where will present next Thursday 26 July at the Plaza Mayor (Medellin) its collection ÜIO, composed of 35 creations based on the cosmogony of the anaconda and the Way Milky, according to the vision of the indigenous Amazon where we will see clothes with a lot of fabric, a lot of natural fabrics, which give birth to long dresses, pants, shirts with a lot of fall

"In the collection ÜIO [19659009] 2018 we will see loose, enveloping, crawling clothes that they incorporate, timeless, natural and simple, inspired and created for women of conscience, who do not have an age because the conscience does not it is not and can be the mother or the daughter, because the age bracket of the collection is wide; for women who care about the environment, to do things right, to know where their products come from, where they come from and where they are going. Simple women, who believe in aesthetics but also in ethics, timeless women, who do not go to the rhythm of fashion but who also believe in its essence and presence. The designer responds when asked about her collection.

Although the trend of sustainable fashion in Colombia is on the rise, Manuela Peña is a constant that has always existed in our roots: [19659016] "I think that fashion in Colombia, if we look at it again, has always been sustainable, that is to say, our Indians, our communities, the way things have been done with culture, with consciousness, with rituals, with myths, with the legends, when fashion is like that, fashion has meaning and meaning, when it is not, it is lost and simply becomes consumerism and becomes "trash." But I believe that Colombia has never stopped being sustainable and we have a lot of wealth, many products, many things that are sustainable why the world sees us face and we are in fashion.I also believe that it's a great opportunity to employ our artisans who are already working with this cons and these natural rhythms.

We know that it is a very slow process of creating "consciousness" that we can return to the natural, as the ancestors told us, with their natural tissues and dyes. For many it is still a romantic proposal, but even so, I believe we are in the obligation to at least try it and it is the commitment and the bet of the brand "Religare". Puntualiza

This clear commitment to the use of natural fibers and sustainable processes and designs, is one of the reasons why the designer was recently chosen as the winner of the contest for new designers " Wanted Designer 2018 ". We will then see Sustainable Fashion at Fashion Week in Colombia on the podium of this designer and his brand.

Beatriz Carabalí – Special for Colombiamoda 2018
[email protected]

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