Mateo Jaramillo: "Wine is a social drink"


From August 1st to 4th, will be held in Corferias the 13th edition of the Festival, which will host special guests. For the first time, the Fair will have a chapter devoted to olive oil

What role do the Expovinos play in Colombia?

It is the most important fair of the sector in Colombia and one of the most important of South America. It is just that in its 13 years has promoted wine culture in our country, which today makes per capita consumption very similar to that of the countries that have lived with it for a long time. There are four days that are offered to learn and learn much more about wine. It opens the doors to the innumerable characters of the world of wine who, on their arrival, are not only surprised by our knowledge and our pleasure around a glbad of wine, but also of our beautiful country.

What activities will Expovinos have this year? ] This year, from August 1st to 4th, in Corferias, in addition to the usual blind tastings, 66 academic conferences on wines, the gastronomic offer through five restaurants, three delicatessens, ten food trucks, we will have space for a very special guest like olive oil called El Olivar. In addition we will have the first olive oil tasting open to the public in Colombia, in which two categories will be evaluated, such as extra virgin olive oil and oil d & # 39; olive.

Why is it important to dedicate this space to this? product

The vine and the olive tree are sister plants that share a geographical origin. From one we get the wine and other products such as olives, from which, in turn, we get the olive oil. When we talk about good food, it is clear that we are talking about good consumption of alcohol and good nutrition, and that wine and olive oil are essential protagonists of this concept. They even share the categorization of biblical plants, with the fig tree, because these are the only plants of which the Bible speaks. Today, the category of olive oils is in Colombia, like wine for 18 years, when the knowledge was little and in this way, being similar categories and an equally deep category, we see the Opportunity in this version of Get Closer to the Colombian Consumer and Understand More.

What makes wine a cultural product that can cross borders with its different characteristics?

Wine is a social drink that generates and animates moments, this has also been present in the history of humanity. This is not a stereotype drink and is available at any table anywhere in the world.

What factors do you think influenced the growth of wine consumption in Colombia?

The most important factor is that the Colombian consumer has been interested in learning and scenarios such as Expovinos is an example. Today, the Fair welcomes more than 45,000 participants who go out looking for knowledge. Another factor is that, not being a producing country, we receive a very wide range of references and origins, unlike producer countries that focus on their local production.

In the academic spaces of the event, what topics will be developed in the context of the wine industry?

Topics on Prosecco will be developed, accompanied by special guest Luca Giavi, General Manager Doc Prosecco, Italy, in addition to topics on organic vineyards, exhibits on origins such as California and on denominations such as Puente Alto and Ribera del Duero, among others

What do you save the most from this fair, taking into account that in Colombia the wine culture is not so present?

What I save the most is the Colombian consumer who recognizes that knowledge is still little, but I think there is also an inexhaustible intention to learn and to learn. ;acquire knowledge. Wine in Colombia has not existed for more than 20 years, but over these 20 years we have learned so much that today we can talk about a wine culture in our country , opening us to the world through an important fair like Expovinos

. Why Brazil as a guest country?

Although it is not one of the major producers in the region, in Brazilian geography there is a region called Rio Grande do Sul, which is border with Uruguay, where there is a important winemaking production. The presence of a country like Brazil is due to the importance that the Fair has taken in the region and that although Expovinos is a fair for the final consumer, it also offers the best of both worlds. 39 space for new origins or vineyards to open their doors through distributors. the Colombian market. Brazil is an unknown origin and that for this version of Expovinos will be present so that Colombians learn even more.

With regard to olive growing, what areas and activities will be on the subject?

We will have eleven academic conferences at Olive Farming, eleven olive oil master clbades, where we highlight the presence of Marcos Zabaleta, Argentine chef of the restaurant María and, of course, the tasting and qualification of two categories of olive oil which will be the great novelty at the fair

Why people can not miss this edition of Expovinos?

Expovinos every year brings news and is already 13 years of culture and pbading on knowledge to Colombians. This year, in its thirteenth edition, through the scenarios of olive growing and viticulture, we are committed to being an innovative edition. We want a more integral consumer in their knowledge of good food, and the Fair helps with this purpose.

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