Meal before 9 pm prevents cancer


There are many habits that can help us prevent diseases, such as cancer. Dinner before 9 pm can prevent cancer according to a study published by the Institute of World Health in Barcelona, ​​which reports that having dinner early (before 9 pm), can reduce the likelihood of cancer until To 20

In contrast, people who consume food later than 10 hours a night; they rest on a full stomach and can increase their likelihood up to 5%.

"There was experimental data, but not in humans, that indicated that the timing at which certain activities are performed can affect health," says Big. Vang Manolis Kogevinas, ISGlobal.

In the study, an badysis was made of 621 cases of prostate cancer and 1205 cases of bad cancer. All participants were asked about their dining habits, both in the present and in the past.

Although the results have not been fully elucidated, the experts link this to the ability "Our biological clock is regulated by the cycles of the day and night, and the second factor that influences the more the diet.The central clock is at the base of the skull and is basically influenced by light, but in the intestines and other organs there are also clocks that have conditioned cycles by the time we eat, "adds the specialist. Therefore, in addition to not gaining weight by storing fat, if you eat before 9 pm, you can reduce the risk of cancer by 20%. Globovisión.

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