Medellín prevents tuberculosis | Medellin


The most common form is lung disease, the main symptom of which for diagnosis is the presence of cough for more than 15 days. For his diagnosis, a laboratory examination called smear microscopy must be performed.

Although in Medellín 100% of patients have access to treatment, because many people do not go to health facilities and do not get a timely diagnosis, that 500 people a year are not not diagnosed, which promotes their spread. In 2017, 169 deaths were reported due to tuberculosis, which corresponds to 10% of diagnosed cases.

Many people believe that the disease is transmitted in the embrace, when we share utensils or when we eat street food, Once the disease is diagnosed, people have to come every day in the health service of their MS to receive their treatment because if they do not, they can have serious complications. they can even cause death.

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