Medimás seeks pediatric cardiovascular intensive care to save a boyacá baby: Medimás seeks pediatric cardiovascular intensive care to save a boyacá baby | Tunja


The Eps Medimás and the fourth level hospital San Rafael de Tunja, are desperately seeking a quota in a higher level hospital so that they attend Sarita's illness, a baby of 3 months, who is fighting for his life of 8 days ago suffering from serious heart, respiratory and even kidney diseases.

In the medical part concerns an arrhythmia and secondary respiratory insufficiencies that can only be treated in a hospital with pediatric electrophysiology and pediatric cardiac intensive care services According to Medimás Regional sources consulted by Caracol Radio, in Colombia, there would be three institutions with these possibilities: at the Valle de Lili Hospital in Cali, another health center in Medellín and Fundación Cardioinfantil hospital in Bogotá, but no d & # 39; between them beds available to attend Sarita.

Medimás says that he hopes that Hospital Fundación Cardioi nfantil, the closest institution in Tunja that has the specialty needed to save the baby, agrees to receive the sarita, to effect his immediate transfer.

The 3-month-old girl was referred from the Sogamoso Regional Hospital July 19 enters the ESE San Rafael Hospital in Tunja, and since then is under the supervision of the care unit intensive pediatrics.

Add the specialists who, after the gradual stabilization of the minor, initiated the referral procedures on July 20, asks EPS Medimás, an institution that has a unit of pediatric electrophysiology and pediatric cardiovascular intensive care, considering the risk of presenting with arrhythmia and the need for advanced hemodynamic badistance

"To this day, the patient continues in unity. pediatric intensive care unit at San Rafael Tunja hospital receiving comprehensive and multidisciplinary care with the following diagnoses: controlled cardiogenic shock, acute heart failure in management, fulminant myocarditis, secondary polymorphic arrhythmia in management, suspicion Moderate pulmonary arterial hypertension due to indirect and direct signs, acute respiratory failure type IV, and acute renal failure, "records the medical report.

Failure to refer to a health center that has the capacity to & dquo; Help Sarita, the girl will increase their risk of pediatric mortality, which is to date 43.5%.

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