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Unlike last year, who saw the premiere of Wonder Woman and Justice League Aquaman will be the only band in the Extended Universe of DC we will see in 2018. For this reason, many fans are excited to see how the heir to the throne of Atlantis will unfold in its debut on the big screen.

There are still a few months left for the premiere of the movie, Warner Bros. decided to lift the embargo on all information relating to the tours of the set. To celebrate the occasion, the producer shared a new movie poster that shows the hero played by Jason Momoa in all its splendor.


As if the foregoing was not enough, the US media Collider published all the information that he got on the film based on the DC hero in his visit to the ensemble

James Wan

In his interview with the director, Collider asked if Aquaman would sound heroic and optimistic which pleased him so much in Wonder Woman . While Wan responded that the film will be a mix of several genres he also announced that he was describing the positive role of the superhero. In the director's words:

"Superheroes are the best part of what we would like to be."

As for the protagonist, Wan describes him as a character trapped between two worlds: the surface and Atlantis. It was also important to differentiate it from a hero like Superman:

"Aquaman is strong.This is because the body of Atlanteans is designed to withstand the pressure of the bottom of the ocean Although they are not extraterrestrials, when they come to the surface, their bodies can resist much more than an average human.

While a ball would bounce off the chest of the # Steelman could harm the Atlanteans, but their muscle mbad would prevent the ball from entering. […] When Aquaman gets to the surface, human weapons will have trouble finishing him However, Atlantis technology can kill him. "

James Wan also mentioned the importance of Atlanna, a character played by Nicole Kidman, in the emotional arc of the film:

"Arthur's relationship with his mother is why he is who he is now.It teaches that it is re a hybrid is not a bad thing, that he has the best of both worlds. "

Jason Momoa (Arthur Curry / Aquaman)


Interviewing the Actor In charge of the interpretation of Black Manta , Collider asked for more information about this villain's relationship with Aquaman. And fortunately for comics fans, this relationship will be that of revenge:

"We know Black Manta at the time when he feels at the top of the world.He is with his father and just received a promotion Then, Aquaman arrives to stop them.This is not necessarily bad for Black Manta.For him it's an opportunity to prove himself as the best.This is the beginning of the first confrontation between Black Manta and Aquaman.

However, his father died in the apogee.

We met him when he felt at the top, but now he is at the limit. He lost the only one no one that he loved in all his life and has nothing to live on except revenge.And then, as is typical, he blames Aquaman for his loss. "[19659010WhendefininghischaracterAbdul-MateenIIusedtheword"annoying":

"He is always vigilant, he never gets tired. it never goes down. When you think it's over, come back. […] He does not want to conquer the world, he has no evil plan to monopolize anything for his personal good. He has an unbreakable and non-negotiable moral code. He focuses on the revenge of his father and will not stop until he reaches his goal. "

Amber Heard (Mera)

  Aquaman - Mera

Before the success of Wonder Woman Collider asked Amber Heard if Mera would show the same kind of strength as Diana Prince in her film.While the actress reiterated that Aquaman will revolve around the hero of the same name, clarified that the female co-star will not be a damsel in distress or an badistant:

"This story is one in which they are equal. They both come from different worlds, so their strengths are very different. When Mera is on the surface, it's a strange world for her. The same thing happens when Arthur is at Atlantis


Although there is a mutual attraction, it is in the background. They have a job to do and their performance will determine the success or failure of this mission. Their relationship is not what brings them to join forces. "

Aquaman will be created on December 21.

Source: Collider

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