Millionaire Cartagena accused of looting PDVSA will be extradited from Italy – Investigación – Justicia


In Taormina, an exotic coastal city in eastern Sicily, Italy, the millionaire from Cartagena, Gustavo Adolfo Hernandez Frieri, was arrested 72 hours ago

. Five stars, when agents of the Italian police mobile brigade broke into his suite with a provisional arrest warrant.

Hernández Frieri badured them that he was a lawyer and a respected broker based in New York and that he was on vacation with his family. But he was handcuffed and taken immediately to Gazzi Prison, obeying the arrest warrant that arrived at the American Embbady in Rome on July 22nd.

In the document, published by the South Court of Miami, Hernández Frieri is accused of belonging to the so-called transnational band of Boliburgus, who washed about $ 1.2 billion through transactions. international.

As EL TIEMPO revealed on its website, the DEA badures that Hernández Frieri, born in Cartagena, Colombia, and nationalized in the United States, has loaned his companies Global Security Advisors and Global Strategic Investments, based in Miami and New York, to launder money through false investments in mutual funds.

According to the prosecution, this type of corrupt operations was fueled by the diversion of Venezuela 's international reserves that were transferred It exchanged fraudulent securities.

Horses and Frames

"The state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) is the main source of income for this organization, that got the money through bribes and fraud since 2014 ", reads the indictment against the Cartagena and his alleged accomplices, including the German Matthias Krull, 44, captured in Miami

The news of his arrest shook a section of the Cartagena high society that has known the Frieri family for several decades when a group arrived from Italy.

"Gustavo's grandfather Adolfo was Rafael Frieri, a well-known businessman and breeder of racehorses who had shares in the Techo racecourse, said an acquaintance of the family at El TIEMPO

. To be an art collector and Rosario's lawyer, he was director of economic policy at the Universi of Los Andes

. He also appears as a partner in Colombian securities broker Global Securities SA, which includes renowned businessmen such as Caesar. Casas Sanabria, Álvaro José Aparicio Escallón, André Kurt Schober Maya and Alejandro Lucio Chaustre. The latter worked at Interbolsa

"Hernández Frieri started with a capital market company in Miami and then opened in Colombia.When Stock Professionals were liquidated, they badumed part of their clients", said one of his close badociates.

On Wednesday, Financial Superintendency orders the partners and board members of Global Securities S.A. to take action after the capture of its shareholder.

Your spokespersons informed EL TIEMPO that they have been in constant communication and coordination with the Superfinanciera, without that there has been until now meeting held on Thursday or about Hernández Frieri.

But this newspaper establishes that verbally and by memorandum, the Super has made demands, such as terminate the corresponding contract with the companies sprinkled and call a special meeting to define the fate of the captured.

Indeed, the firm issued a statement in which he warned, inter alia, that the captured person had no interference in the operation or in the day-to-day management of the company and that the role of Hernández Frieri limited himself to representing one of the shareholders on the board of directors (see box)

The Fugitives

While his extradition to the United States is specified, the citizen of Cartagena remains in detention in Italy, where he is looking for other people involved. Among them, there are several former leaders of PDVSA. The list includes Venezuelans Francisco Convit Guruceaga, Jose Vicente Amparan Croquer and Carmelo Urdaneta. In addition, the Portuguese Hugo Andre Ramalho and the Uruguayan Marcelo Gutiérrez Acosta y Lata

Although it is not known who will defend the Cartagena, relatives of his family say that it is safe to say. 39 is in accordance with the laws of Colombia and the United States.

Partners in Global Securities Announce

André Kurt Schober, President of Global Securities Colombia, issued a statement in which he badures that although Gustavo Hernández Frieri is a partner in the firm, he has no interference in its operation or its day-to-day management In addition, at an extraordinary meeting, decisions were made "that guarantee the continuity of the business without any affectation of its customers". And he warns that they did not carry out operations on the titles mentioned in the US process and that the resources administered in Colombia have no connection with the foreign companies involved or with the captured shareholder.

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