Millionaire Epa Colombia and Yina Calderón win through their networks


Although many call them "notes " These women accuse (and very well) of having posted content on their social networks, categorized as [19659004] "influencers". or influencers, since they have some power to guide and / or generate dice of opinion among their followers.

In this sense, the former protagonist of the novel, Yina Calderón She recounted the famous Saturday program, which uses digital platforms to promote her strip business, as she says :

"Every photo has an intention, do not understand that behind all there is a case" . For its part, Daneidy Barrera, better known as & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; badures that she sells messages, videos and stories, since he works as an advertising guide to his more than 346 thousand followers in the social network.

If in 24 hours more than 100 thousand people see her publication she could earn between 300 and 400 thousand

Epa Colombia says that today he can have a wardrobe, a place to live and a business to him, because when he was at school there were days when he had no money no clothes, a lot less shoes.

Today, youtuber thanks to her talent and dynamism has her own business, a hairdresser "New styles", and in which she gives work to d & # 39; Other people.

You might be interested: Yina Calderón carries her tail after the extraction of biopolymers

Ma. Gabriela Garofalo –

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