Model revealed that she had to fall in love with her kidnapper to be released


The British model Chloe Ayling, 20, who was kidnapped for six days by a mafia in August 2017 in Italy, who was trying to enslave him badually in the Middle East, revealed to the BBC, that his strategy for being released was to fall in love with his kidnapper.

Ayling was kidnapped on July 10 by the illegal mafia of black death traffic for the purpose of being auctioned on the internet. The young woman, who had flown to Milan for an alleged photo shoot, was drugged, handcuffed and put in a sack to be moved to a town northwest of Turin

"Plus nous I started talking I realized I had to use it as a benefit "Ayling told the BBC program Victoria Derbyshire .

Ayling said that 39; he was "horrible" when he arrived at a house with his kidnapper, the Polish, Lukasz Herba (30 years old), who warned that they would sell her as a bad slave unless [19459005hereceives300thousandeuros) He also asked if he could kiss her and have a romantic relationship.

"I thought it was my chance to mate. escape, "said Ayling." Once I saw his reaction to the possibility of a relationship in the future, he started acting I was excited and very anxious, always talking about it. His answer made me think that I had to continue to pretend "he explained.

The Rescue

Lukasz realized that he was not going to get money for ransom and decided to back down She took her to the British consulate in Milan, but a few hours ago, some witnesses claimed to have seen them laughing and joking in a coffee and were released on August 8.

"This may seem strange, but why would you be aloof? someone who begins to feel something for you and relies on that to free you? I had to do everything possible to make him fall in love with me . "

The man who eventually appeared in a Milan court alleged that he mounted a scandal to help the model in the race, which he had known for two years, however, his arguments failed to release him from punishment and last June he was sentenced to 16 years and nine months in prison and the girl returned to his country.

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