Myths about Breast Implants and Breastfeeding – Health – Life


"Can I badfeed my baby if I have bad implants?", "Is it true that silicone implants alter the composition of bad milk?", "In fact, bad cancer surgery" Breast Augmentation Changes the Capacity to Produce Milk? "

Here are some of the questions asked by many women who have undergone an augmentation mammoplasty or who are planning to go to the operating room and worry about how the prosthesis will respond during badfeeding Indeed, being one of the most popular plastic surgeries in Colombia, the latest figures from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Isaps, for its acronym in English) reveal that in Colombia, in 2016, there was more than 41,000 bad augmentation with silicone prostheses -, the question does not go unnoticed in women, who sooner or later wish to become mothers. [19659002] In this regard, authorities such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the International Milk League are adamant: this surgery does not interfere with the badfeeding process, so all women who have it p In other respects, Dr. Ruber Almanza, plastic surgeon and member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery, explains: "It is important for women to take into account, regardless of the size of the bads. . or the presence or absence of implants, milk production depends on adequate stimulation and sucking, that is to say, of a technique proper badfeeding. "

Regardless of bad size or presence
not implants, women can badfeed and produce enough milk for their baby

The specialist adds that although it does not occur, There are no studies that measure the amount of milk that a woman can get. It is known that those who put them in lactation normally and in sufficient quantity for their baby.

Now , Felipe Suso Palau, plastic surgeon, esthetic and reconstructor of the Imbanaco Medical Center of Cali, badures that, currently, all surgical augmentation mammoplasty techniques "attempt to preserve most of the anatomical structure of the bad, both in the access pathways (axillary, peri-areolar or sub-mammary incision) only in the cavity where the implants are inserted, so that the mammary glands are not affected and, consequently, the woman's ability to badfeed n & # 39; not altered. "

However, consulted specialists hear about other types of procedures or surgical techniques that seek to correct bad asymmetries or to generate elevations of these, and require further attention. Remove the skin, cut around the areola or remove the bad tissue, if they may compromise the sensib region, which would affect the proper stimulation at the time of badfeeding.

The indicated timing [19659008] Although a woman may undergo surgery at any point in her life, Dr. Suso Palau points out that the patient thinks he has children in the short term, ideally, wait at least for Exclusive badfeeding process recommended until the baby is 6 months old, since the baby's physiological and hormonal changes pregnancy and lactation transform, in some cases, the appearance of bads so that the effect of the surgery could be lost. This has to do with aesthetic and non-functional reasons.

However, this is not a straitjacket: a woman can undergo surgery and soon get pregnant. "Once the patient has recovered from a bad augmentation surgery – a situation that occurs in about two months – she can get pregnant and badfeed later without any difficulty," adds Dr. Ricardo Galán Suárez , plastic surgeon, member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery

Once the patient has recovered from augmentation surgery, mammoplasty can become pregnant and then badfeed without difficulty

Tear Myths

of the prosthesis can change the composition of the milk.

False. Current prostheses are very safe and resistant. However, even if they are broken, they are encapsulated in a fibrous barrier that naturally generates the body around them and isolates them from the mammary glands.

Women with prostheses are more likely to develop mastitis and other infections.

False. There is no scientific evidence to prove this relationship. Mastitis is caused by inflammation and blockage of the bad ducts, and this can occur with or without a prosthesis.

Women with silicone implants are less able to give milk to their children. [19659002] False. All women, with or without implants, produce good quality milk in sufficient quantity. It all depends on a correct technique of badfeeding.

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