National Immunization Day this Saturday | FAMILY


The Department of Health and Social Welfare will move forward this Saturday, July 14, the third day of the national vaccination of the year . The initiative aims to reduce the risk of mortality due to the spread of preventable diseases and to enable parents and caregivers to complete vaccination programs for children under 6 years of age. Similarly, adolescents, women of childbearing age and older adults are expected to be vaccinated.

Vaccines against poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, cough ferina (for pregnant women), and infections caused by haemophilus, influenza type b and pneumococcus, measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox, yellow fever, diarrhea caused by rotavirus, human papillomavirus, among others.

During the third national day and the rest of the year, will have the influenza vaccine available for all children aged 6 to 23 months; pregnant women from week 14, and adults from 60 and over, for all completely free.

Diego Alejandro García Londoño, coordinator of the National Immunization Program, invited Colombians to be vaccinated "We call all parents, mothers and caregivers to join this initiative, by helping the some 4000 Vaccination points to be had in all the municipalities of the country Similarly, we invite the population of other countries who want to update their children's immunization programs to participate in this day. "

The day is led by the country's health secretariats, Health Promoting Entities (PHEs) and immunization service providers, who organized the vaccination points at 08:00. at 4:00 pm . "It should be noted that every day is a day of vaccination, and that any Colombian can apply the vaccines of the scheme, without any cost," added Garcia.

The National Immunization Program has 21 vaccines that protect against 26 diseases and it is completely free

It must be said that Colombia has achieved a vaccination coverage of 96 percent, so far this year, guaranteeing adequate protection of the population against vaccine preventable diseases as has been demonstrated, against situations such as the arrival of some cases of measles in the country.

Vaccines are the best barrier

Vaccines provide protection against many serious diseases. However, to get this benefit, it is necessary to supplement the diet with the recommended doses since in some cases parents forget reinforcements, effective tools when it comes to fighting the epidemics of diseases and epidemics. 19659003] "Forgetting the use of vaccine intensifiers involves not only a risk for their children, but for the rest of the community who is in contact with other unvaccinated children ", says Diana Carolina Chacón, pediatrician Roosevelt Children's Orthopedic Institute

In the case of babies, according to Maria Luz Sáenz, pediatrician at the National University, vaccination is essential because" l & # 39; 39 immunity is provided before exposure to these potentially life-threatening diseases. Children are more vulnerable than adults to certain serious conditions and complications because their immune systems are developing . "



– The goal is to supplement the diets, but this should be consulted with the pediatrician and it will be he who indicates the procedure for the children to be really prot Elderly against serious diseases .
– Most infants have low fever, pain, redness or a small epidemic in the area of ​​application. To overcome the symptoms, it is suggested to give medication prescribed by the pediatrician, to put hot and cold water rags, to make a heat shock and to minimize pain
– If the symptoms persist for more than two days, you must consult the pediatrician.
– There is no medical contraindication to avoid vaccinating children, even when they have a cold.

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