New EU Data Protection Regulation puts Google and Facebook at risk


– The European Union has put into force a new data protection regulation, which according to Yiannis Papadatos, expert in information technology and data protection, aims at companies like Google and Facebook act more responsibly. It also introduces measures such as the obligation for citizens to guarantee the use of their personal information, as well as the right to be forgotten.

At the forum "Intellectual Property, Competition and Consumer Law; Harvesting the Future ", conducted as part of the programming of the International School of Law, at the National University of Colombia (UN), the teacher of Queen Mary University and Dundee University, in the UK, said that "anyone A citizen of some member countries of the European Community may ask companies such as Google or Facebook to delete any type of information that they do not want to broadcast on the network. "

Although the filtering of Facebook users' data during the last presidential campaign in the United States, by the British firm Cambridge Analytica coincided with the process of the reform, was decisive to facilitate its approval by the European Parliament .

For the teacher, this was a significant advance, since the new data protection regulation – known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – offers the tools the maximum physical protection of these, although its implementation will not be so simple due to the reckless use that people continue to make social networks.

In this regard, he appreciates that the networks should be considered: the reference to personal data, and that factors such as Internet commerce and electronic communications, will have a regulatory framework that does not

Privatization and control of information

Despite its local character, the new regulation would have global effects, which would even cover countries such as Colombia, insofar as wants to do business with a member country of the European Union should take advantage of the rule.

According to Professor Papadatos, the problem in this case will be to determine what type of agency will oversee compliance, for which I would recommend as high as possible because the authorities of Colombia and their European counterparts.

Since open sources of information and software, such as Wikipedia, will have serious problems with the processing of information under the new regulatory parameters, for the teacher the need to work on a solution that emerges from the consensus, although for the moment he acknowledges that there is a legal void

"One would expect that all the parties concerned give their consent in the to the extent possible to process this information. "(19659003) Although it may be thought that the legislation will involve a gradual process of privatization of information, the GDPR aims to recognize the importance and value of data, so that one of its main objectives is to ensure a more reasonable use

Although an increase in prices can be recorded, it is a matter of mechanism by which it would be avoided that any business makes indiscriminate use of information without knowing who contributes to it.

In this sense, companies like Google or Facebook would be unable to sell the information of their European users to third parties without their express consent. Which in the opinion of the expert is already a significant step forward. (Information and Photo News Agency U.N.).


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