New girlfriend? This is the former Miss Argentina who linked with J Balvin


July 24 reggaeton J Balvin made his debut as a designer of his own clothing collection as part of Colombiamoda in Medellín. On his podium, the artist invited several of his closest friends.

However, one of those who attracted attention was a superb Argentine model. This is Valentina Ferrer, 24, remembered for her participation in J Balvin's video "I still miss you".

The reason they are related and that we believe to be a couple is what to do with the fact that José Álvaro Osorio accompanied Valentina to the capital's airport. Antioquia to register and say goodbye to him.

For the moment neither the model nor the artist has referred to the subject.

Valentina Ferrer was born in Córdoba, Argentina. It was Miss Córdoba and Miss Argentina in 2014 and in Miss Universe he was among the top ten.

Look here at some of his hottest images:

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