News from Valledupar, Colombia and the world – EL PAIS VALLENATO – Lower prices for beans and paprika continue


The decline in beans and paprika prices continues

29-Jul-2018 Administrator


The price and supply information system of the United States Agricultural sector, SIPSA, informed that, during this day, the main wholesale centers of the country registered a larger offer of both products for today.

For example, this behavior became evident in the market of Sincelejo, where the price of beans Due to a higher yield of harvests in the municipalities of El Santuario and Marinilla (Antioquia), to which is added a supply of Ocaña (Norte de Santander), production has dropped by 40%. There, the kilo was quoted at $ 1,500. In Montería, this behavior was linked to the beginning of some important production cycles in Antioquia and Norte de Santander. As a result, the price went down by 33% and the kilo was quoted at $ 1675. For its part, in the market of Cartagena, Bazurto, an advance collection activities to avoid losses during the rainy season in areas such as Socorro, Girón, Vélez and Piedecuesta (Santander), led to prices dropped by 17%, which explains why the kilo was offered at $ 1688

As for paprika, there was a reduction in their prices, also for the second day in a row. Then, a greater income in the volume of load coming from the culture areas located in the municipalities of Tinjacá and Sutamarchán (Boyacá), Socorro, San Gil (Santander), Ábrego, Ocaña (North of Santander) and Marinilla (Antioquia) , contributed to the fact that the prices of this food fell by 32% in Tunja and 20% in Montería, markets where the kilo was offered at $ 1,452 and $ 1,600.

Other vegetables that finish the week with a downtrend they were the big white onion, the smoked, the green pod, the green bean, the carrot and the beetroot. In the case of carrots, their prices decreased in the places of Tunja, Ibagué and Neiva; Indeed, in the Boyacense area, the kilo was sold at $ 1,167, thanks to the expansion of the supply of Ventaquemada (Boyacá) and Villapinzón (Cundinamarca).

On the other hand, prices of onion junca have registered a rise of 58%, the demand being much more related than the offer received from Risaralda and municipalities such as San Cristóbal, Marinilla and Sonsón (Antioquia). There, the kilo was delivered at $ 1458.

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