Nextcar: Nextcar, the second-hand fair arrives in Bogotá | Bogotá


One of the options that buyers have when choosing a car is the purchase of a used car. This is usually a great opportunity because of its low price and the ease of acquiring them.

If you are interested in this option, August 2 to 5 Corferias will open the doors at Bogotá Car Expo now Nextcar, the most important fair of cars in the world. opportunity in Bogotá

The showcase will present used cars of all makes with less than 70 000 kilometers of road and models of the last 10 years and will have the participation of 55 exhibitors of which 28 are dealers, and more than 1,000 vehicles of the most recognized brands that will be in 11, 000 square meters of exhibition.

will have the participation of Integral Mobility Services, SIM; the national traffic register, Runt; and the Sijin to guarantee security and support to those who will seek a used in the fourth version of the event

( You may be interested in: L & # 39; history of the brand Rolls Royce) [19659002"BogotáCarExpoestmaintenantNextcarlavitrinelaplusimportantedesvoituresd'occasiondanslacapitaledupayspuisquedansunseulendroitcommeCorferiasvouspourreztrouverdesrevendeursetdesmarquesdegrandereconnaissanceetdesentreprisesdeproduitsetservicescomplémentairesàl'industrieautomobileEnoutrecommec'esttraditionnelnousauronsdesspectaclesetdebadpositionspourlesamateursdevéhiculesquideviendrontunplanentier"adéclaréD eyanira Brando, Chief Nextcar

This is an event organized by Corferias and with the support of Fenalco In its first edition in 2015, 600 vehicles were exhibited, 25 dealers participated and only the pavilions Letters 6 and 7. The showcase, version after version, increased the participation of exhibitors and visitors

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