OJ Simpson's Prosecutor Creates Series on Famous Crimes in the United States – Film and Television – Culture


During the so-called "trial of the century", in which he was sought to clarify whether O. J. Simpson was guilty or not of having murdered his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and one of his friends, there was another protagonist in addition to the former football player. It was the prosecutor of the case, Marcia Clark, head of the strategy of the "people of Los Angeles" to prove Simpson's guilt.

Clark received an examination almost stronger than Simpson, because the media did not only criticize his physical appearance but also badyzed his personal life. Although Simpson was found not guilty, the prosecutor began forging a career as a guest television badyst and now plays in his own documentary series: Marcia Clark Investigates & ### 39, which will be in view from Tuesday on pay TV channel A & E.

"I have an addiction for crime and justice, it all started when I was a girl it has never stopped and it has not decreased, that's what I am, the fight for justice and for the truth is very important to me, it's very personal, I can not imagine that this will change, "Clark said at a meeting of Latin American media in Los Angeles.

The original title of the production is "The First 48" and refers to a kind of police rule, according to which if a case is not resolved in the first 48 hours after the crime the chances of the solve are reduced by 50 percent.

In each chapter, Clark will look at a well-known criminal case in the recent history of the United States, like that of Casey Anthony, which many call "O. J. of this century. The lawsuit sought to establish whether Anthony was responsible for the death of his two-year-old daughter, Caylee, who had been missing for about five months.

"It was interesting to be a spectator and not a participant.I followed the case very closely, I commented on it, so when it's time to reinvest it for the program, I felt that I had to leave my opinion aside and that I had to approach it impartially, because I did not want to ignore I thought before, "Clark said about this case particular.

I have an addiction for crime and justice, it all started when I was a girl, never stopped

The prosecutor will carefully review each file, in addition to interview with prosecutors, lawyers and other people involved. Revive crimes like the murder of the "hip hop DJ" Jay Jam Master, who remains unresolved, and the disappearance of the wife of police sergeant Drew Peterson. The goal of Clark is that each chapter reveals unknown details or even legal consequences.

"It's hopeful, and that's what made me so emotional about this series, it's not fair to say : "See this case so weird" we have a mission, we have a purpose, what we want to do is to discover the truth, we want to show that the verdict was correct or not, we want to show that There is evidence if the case has not been resolved … ", 1965, p.] On the famous case to which his name remains tied, Clark is quite clear that Simpson was guilty.

"They found enough to sentence him 15 times in the first 48 hours, they found a trail of blood that left Bundy (Nicole's house) who was going to his car, was pbading by the entrance of his house and arrived in your room. They found a blood glove behind their house that matched a glove found on the crime scene … ", he recalls, among many other evidences

Where and when?

Marcia Clark's investigation is presented on Tuesday at 8 pm pm, on pay TV channel A & E. The first episode will deal with the case Casey Anthony

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Los Angeles *
* At the invitation of A + E Networks

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